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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: frigid zone
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Dictionary English German: frigid zone

Translation 1 - 50 of 739  >>

SYNO   Frigid Zone | polar region ... 
geogr. frigid zonekalte Zone {f}
geogr. frigid zoneKaltzone {f} [kalte Zone]
geogr. frigid zonePolarzone {f}
Partial Matches
frigid {adj}eisig
frigid {adj}gefühlskalt [frigide]
frigid {adj}kalt [auch emotional, sexuell]
frigid {adj}kühl
frigid silenceeisiges Schweigen {n}
frigid {adj} [sexually unresponsive]frigid
frigid {adj} [sexually unresponsive]frigide
meteo. in frigid winter nights {adv}in eisigen Winternächten
zool. T
comp. zone constant angular velocity <zone CAV, Z-CAV, ZCAV>Zone CAV {f} <Z-CAV, ZCAV>
zoneBereich {m} {n}
zoneGebiet {n}
transp. zoneWabe {f} [Zone]
zoneZone {f}
anat. abdominal zoneBauchregion {f}
geol. ablation zoneAblationsgebiet {n}
geol. ablation zoneAbschmelzgebiet {n} [eines Gletschers]
geol. ablation zoneZehrgebiet {n} [eines Gletschers]
bot. abscission zoneAbszissionszone {f}
biol. ecol. geol. abyssal zoneAbyssal {n}
abyssal zoneabyssische Zone {f}
biol. hydro. abyssal zoneAbyssopelagial {n}
geol. meteo. accumulation zoneAkkumulationsgebiet {n}
geol. accumulation zoneNährgebiet {n} [eines Gletschers]
active zoneAktivzone {f}
market. advertising zoneStreufeld {n}
market. advertising zoneWerbezone {f}
geogr. geol. altitudinal zoneHöhenstufe {f}
annual zoneJahreszone {f}
geol. anticlinal zoneAntiklinalzone {f}
biol. hydro. aphotic zoneaphotische Zone {f}
biol. archibenthal zoneArchibenthal {n}
biol. archibenthic zoneArchibenthal {n}
geogr. Arctic ZoneArktis {f}
geogr. hydro. arid zoneTrockengebiet {n}
geogr. meteo. arid zoneTrockenzone {f}
geogr. atoll zoneAtollzone {f}
sports attacking zoneAngriffsdrittel {n} [Eishockey]
sports attacking zoneAngriffszone {f} [Eishockey]
meteo. auroral zonePolarlichtzone {f}
ecol. fish barbel zoneBarbenregion {f}
barrier zoneBarrierezone {f}
barrier zoneSperrzone {f}
biol. bathyal zoneBathyal {n}
biol. hydro. bathyal zoneBathypelagial {n}
biol. hydro. bathypelagic zoneBathypelagial {n}
mil. battle zoneKampfgebiet {n}
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