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Dictionary English German: frog

Translation 1 - 50 of 775  >>

English German
NOUN1   a frog | frogs
NOUN2   a genus of frogs/frog | genera of frogs
VERB  to frog | frogged | frogged ... 
SYNO   anuran | batrachian | frog ... 
textil. to frog [to rip out rows of knitting]
zool. T
Frosch {m}
rail frog
Herzstück {n} [Eisenbahn]
Frog [coll.] [offensive word for a French person]
Froschfresser {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
rail frogKreuzungsherzstück {n}
cloth. frogPosamentverschluss {m}
rail frogWeichenherz {n}
tools frogverstellbare Eisenauflage {f} bei Eisenhobeln
mus. frog [bow]Frosch {m} [Bogen]
equest. VetMed. frog [Cuneus]Strahl {m}
agr. tools frog [part of a plow]Griessäule {f} [regional]
2 Words: Verbs
to frog-march sb. [coll.]jdn. fortschleppen [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. mil. weapons (belt) frogKoppelschuh {m}
rail (crossing) frogHerz {n} [Weiche]
cloth. mil. weapons bayonet frogSeitengewehrtasche {f}
zool. female frogFroschweibchen {n} [auch: Frosch-Weibchen]
flower frog [implement for flower arranging]Steckigel {m}
med. frog bellyFroschbauch {m}
zool. frog chorusFroschchor {m}
toys frog clickerKnackfrosch {m}
frog eater [coll.] [contemptuous for a French person]Froschfresser {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
zool. frog extremitiesFroschextremitäten {pl}
frog faceFroschgesicht {n}
zool. frog genusFroschgattung {f}
equest. VetMed. frog horn [Cuneus corneus]Strahlhorn {n}
frog kingdom [all frog species taken together]Froschreich {n}
gastr. frog legsFroschschenkel {pl}
psych. frog phobia [ranidaphobia]Froschphobie {f} [Ranidaphobie]
pharm. zool. frog poisonFroschgift {n}
frog pondFroschteich {m}
frog pose [mandukasana]Froschstellung {f} [Yoga]
med. frog posture [also: rag doll posture]Froschhaltung {f} [des Körpers]
frog rammerExplosionsstampfer {m}
zool. frog spawnFroschlaich {m}
zool. frog speciesFroschart {f}
zool. frog species {pl}Froscharten {pl}
zool. frog's eyeFroschauge {n}
gastr. frog's legsFroschschenkel {pl}
hoof frogHufstrahl {m}
games leap-frogBocksprung {m}
little frogFröschlein {n}
zool. male frogFroschmännchen {n} [auch: Frosch-Männchen]
rail transp. overhead frogOberleitungsweiche {f}
rail rerailing frogAufgleisschuh {m}
rail rerailing frogAufgleisungsschuh {m}
steel frogStahlrumpf {m} [Pflug]
3 Words: Others
mus. at the frog {adv}am Frosch [unteres Ende des Streichinstrument-Bogens]
3 Words: Nouns
med. (male) frog testFroschtest {m}
mus. clip-in frog [removable bow frog]Steckfrosch {m}
gastr. fried frog legsFroschschenkel {pl} gebacken
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Q 2018-06-13: eat the frog
A 2016-11-11: Wortspiel mit +to frog-march sb.+
Q 2016-08-23: Frog
A 2015-01-11: I agree with Ursinus, it should be +species of frog+ here.
A 2013-03-18: Boiling frog principle
A 2013-01-25: @Catesse - boiling the frog
A 2012-11-26: Frog in the throat / Frosch im Hals
A 2012-10-22: mein erster Satz: Fred the frog lives in the well
A 2011-02-19: frog eggs
A 2010-01-15: ? An unidentified rain frog of the genus Pristimantis which is distinguish...
A 2009-12-06: auf Englisch sagt man nicht *frog*. höchstens "I don't give a rat's ass" o...
A 2009-11-08: FROG acronym
A 2009-11-03: It sounds like the king did act like a toad/frog.
A 2009-07-03: try kissing a frog: manchmal *verwandelt* er sich in einen Prinzen :-)
A 2008-07-27: @ Proteus..this is not Michael Palin (ex of Beanland) crossing the Andes b...
A 2007-11-30: Wasn't there a Bathilda amongst the chocolate frog collecting pictures in ...
Q 2007-01-11: frog point
A 2003-08-22: cross frog, tongue of a crossing

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