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English-German translation for: frontal-lobe
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Dictionary English German: frontal lobe

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NOUN   a frontal lobe | frontal lobes
SYNO   frontal cortex | frontal lobe
med. frontal lobe disorderFrontalhirnsyndrom {n}
med. frontal-lobe epilepsyFrontalhirnepilepsie {f}
anat. frontal lobe [Lobus frontalis]Frontallappen {m}
anat. frontal lobe [Lobus frontalis]Stirnhirn {n}
anat. frontal lobe [Lobus frontalis]Stirnlappen {m}
anat. biol. frontal lobe [Lobus frontalis]Frontalhirn {n} [Frontallappen]
anat. frontal lobe [Lobus frontalis]Stirnhirnlappen {m} [Frontallappen]
anat. frontal lobe of the brainFrontalhirnlappen {m}
med. autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal-lobe epilepsy <ADNFLE>autosomal-dominante nächtliche Frontalhirnepilepsie {f}
Partial Matches
film F Full Frontal [Steven Soderbergh]Voll Frontal
bot. T
frontal {adj}frontal
frontal {adj}Front-
frontal {adj}Stirn-
frontal {adj}Vorder-
frontally {adv}frontal
head-on {adj} {adv}frontal
frontal alopeciaStirnglatze {f}
phys. frontal areaSpantfläche {f}
automot. phys. frontal areaStirnfläche {f}
mil. frontal assaultFrontalangriff {m}
frontal attackFrontalangriff {m}
frontal baldnessStirnglatze {f}
zool. frontal cirriFrontalcirren {pl}
biol. frontal ganglionFrontalganglion {n}
zool. frontal glandFrontaldrüse {f}
med. frontal headacheStirnkopfschmerz {m}
med. frontal lobotomyStirnhirnausschaltung {f}
geol. frontal moraineEndmoräne {f}
anat. med. MedTech. frontal planeFrontalebene {f}
meteo. frontal rainfallFrontregen {m}
tech. frontal sectionFrontalschnitt {m}
MedTech. frontal sectionsFrontalschnitte {pl}
med. frontal sinusitisStirnhöhlenentzündung {f}
meteo. frontal systemFrontensystem {n}
frontal viewFrontansicht {f}
full-frontal {adj}völlig entblößt
film photo. theatre dead frontaldirektes Frontallicht {n}
med. frontal ataxiafrontale Ataxie {f}
meteo. frontal cloudsfrontale Wolken {pl}
med. frontal bone fractureStirnbeinfraktur {f}
automot. frontal protection systemFrontschutzsystem {n}
med. frontal release signsFrontalhirnzeichen {pl}
med. suppurative frontal sinusitisStirnhöhlenvereiterung {f}
anat. zool. frontal bone [Os frontale]Stirnbein {n}
anat. frontal pole [Polus frontalis]Frontalpol {m}
anat. frontal process [Processus frontalis]Stirnfortsatz {m}
anat. frontal sinus [Sinus frontalis]Stirnhöhle {f}
anat. med. frontal suture [Sutura frontalis]Stirnnaht {f}
photo. full-frontalNacktdarstellung {f} [von vorne]
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