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English-German translation for: fruit
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Dictionary English German: fruit

Translation 1 - 50 of 955  >>

English German
NOUN1   a fruit | fruits
NOUN2   fruit | -
VERB  to fruit | fruited | fruited ... 
SYNO   fruit | yield
fruit {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cultivation, dealer, grower, knife]
Obst- [z. B. Anbau, Händler, Bauer, Messer]
fruit {adj} [attr.] [e.g. drink, flavour, gums, setting]
Frucht- [z. B. Getränk, Geschmack, Gummis, Ansatz]
fruit {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cup, quark, tea, fasting]
Früchte- [z. B. Cocktail, Quark, Tee, Fasten]
bot. hort. to fruit [e.g. of a tree or bush; to produce fruit]Früchte tragen [z. B. Baum, Strauch; Früchte hervorbringen]
bot. fruit2 {sg}
Früchte {pl} [insgesamt]
bot. gastr. fruit2
Obst {n}
fruit1 [also fig.]
Frucht {f} [auch fig.]
fruit [fig.] [result]
Ergebnis {n}
fruit [Am.] [sl.] [male homosexual] [can be pej.]
Schwuchtel {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
fruit [result]
Resultat {n}
fruit [harvest]
Ertrag {m}
fruit [Am.] [coll.] [derogatory]
Homo {m} [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
fruit-based {adj}auf Früchtebasis [nachgestellt]
bot. fruit-bearing {adj}fruchttragend
FoodInd. gastr. fruit-flavored {adj} [Am.]mit Fruchtgeschmack [nachgestellt]
FoodInd. gastr. fruit-flavoured {adj} [Br.]mit Fruchtgeschmack [nachgestellt]
fruit-laden {adj} [literary]fruchtbeladen [geh.]
gastr. fruit-rich {adj}obstreich
2 Words: Verbs
to bear fruitFrucht tragen
to bear fruit [also fig.]Früchte tragen [auch fig.]
to bear fruit [fig.]Früchte zeitigen [geh.]
FoodInd. gastr. to bottle fruit [Br.]Obst einmachen [in Gläsern]
gastr. to preserve fruitObst einmachen
to preserve fruitObst konservieren
to produce fruitFrüchte tragen
gastr. to stew fruitFrüchte dünsten
to yield fruitFrucht tragen
to yield fruitFrüchte tragen
2 Words: Nouns
bot. (fruit) fleshFruchtfleisch {n}
bot. (fruit) kernelFruchtkern {m}
gastr. (fruit) pieObstkuchen {m}
gastr. (fruit) preserves {pl}Kompott {n} [Konserven]
bot. accessory fruitScheinfrucht {f}
bot. aggregate fruitSammelfrucht {f}
bot. angiosperm fruitAngiospermenfrucht {f}
bot. gastr. avocado fruitAvocadofrucht {f}
bad fruitverfaultes Obst {n}
bot. gastr. baobab (fruit)Baobab {f} [ugs.] [kurz für: Baobabfrucht, Baobab-Frucht]
bot. gastr. baobab fruitAffenbrotbaumfrucht {f}
bot. gastr. baobab fruitBaobab-Frucht {f}
bot. hort. berry fruitBeerenfrucht {f}
bot. berry fruitBeerenobst {n}
bot. bitter fruitBitterfrucht {f}
FoodInd. gastr. bottled fruit [Br.]eingemachtes Obst {n} [in Gläsern]
bot. gastr. bush fruitStrauchobst {n}
candied fruitKanditen {pl} [insbes. österr.]
gastr. candied fruitkandierte Frucht {f}
FoodInd. gastr. canned fruitDosenobst {n}
bot. capsular fruitKapselfrucht {f}
gastr. capsule fruitKapselfrüchte {pl}
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A 2022-10-14: fruit farming
A 2019-03-10: Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.
A 2019-03-02: https://www.flipkart.com/wonderchef-string-chopper-jumbo-vegetable-fruit/p...
A 2018-09-29: fruit gum, wine gums, gummibears
Q 2018-08-31: fruit-drop
Q 2016-04-20: My favorite thing to eat is fruit
A 2016-02-05: Exotic fruit
A 2015-12-15: I had no clue. So you might specify +cold preparation area / station for f...
A 2015-06-26: +Marmelade+ (German) can be made from any fruit.
A 2015-04-30: It must be FRUIT (any sort of fruit)
A 2015-04-30: Any fruit or just apples? Or can it be any food?
A 2015-01-20: Time flies like the wind, fruit flies like bananas ;-)
A 2014-12-11: https://www.google.de/#q=fruit+vs.+fruits
A 2014-12-11: http://english.stackexchange.com/questions/25147/is-using-fruits-as-the-pl...
A 2014-12-11: As a food group it is +fruit and vegetables,+ (or +fruit and veg).+
Q 2014-12-11: fruit and vegetable
A 2014-06-24: From the pictures you can see that the chute (the funnel you put the fruit...
Q 2014-02-27: producers that make bottled fruit and vegetables
A 2013-03-15: Gobber (drinker, chain-smoker, no sports, no vegetables, no fruit, likes j...
A 2013-01-25: fruit delight für Fruchtgenuss?

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