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English-German translation for: futterige Wolle
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Dictionary English German: futterige Wolle

Translation 1 - 48 of 48

textil. dirty wool [containing bits of straw, etc.]futterige Wolle {f}
Partial Matches
textil. woolWolle {f}
woolsWolle {f}
textil. to card woolWolle kratzen
to shear woolWolle scheren
textil. to spin woolWolle spinnen
bale of woolBallen {m} Wolle
pack of woolBallen {m} Wolle
textil. brushed woolgebürstete Wolle {f}
combed woolgekämmte Wolle {f}
textil. scoured woolgewaschene Wolle {f}
textil. coarse woolgrobe Wolle {f}
textil. shaggrobe Wolle {f}
all woolreine Wolle {f}
real woolreine Wolle {f}
textil. unscoured woolungewaschene Wolle {f}
agr. biol. textil. fleece [the yield of wool shorn from a sheep at one time]Wolle {f} [Schaffell, Vlies]
woolen {adj} [Am.]aus Wolle [nachgestellt]
woollen {adj} [Br.]aus Wolle [nachgestellt]
woolly {adj} [consisting of wool]aus Wolle [nachgestellt]
all wool {adj}ganz aus Wolle
come hell or high water {adv} [coll.] [idiom]komme, was wolle
agr. dead woolWolle {f} toter Schafe
idiom to get fleecedWolle lassen müssen [veraltend]
... no matter what.... komme, was da wolle.
idiom Come what may.Geschehe, was da wolle.
Come what may come!Komme, was da wolle!
to use one strand of wooldie Wolle einfach nehmen
cloth. shahtoosh wool [also: shahtush wool]Shahtoosh-Wolle {f} [auch: Shatush-Wolle]
dyed-in-the-wool {adj} [attr.] [fig.]in der Wolle gefärbt [fig.]
as much as to sayals wolle er / sie sagen
at all costs {adv}koste es, was es wolle
whatever the cost {adv}koste es, was es wolle
idiom Cost what it may.Koste es, was es wolle.
dyed in the grain {adj} {past-p} [also fig.]in der Wolle gefärbt [auch fig.]
double-dyed {adj} [fig.]in der Wolle gefärbt [fig.] [Redewendung]
Come what may. [idiom](Es) komme, was (da) wolle. [Redewendung]
be that as it maydem sei, wie ihm wolle [veraltet]
at any price {adv} [idiom]koste es, was es wolle [Redewendung]
great boast and small roast [idiom]viel Geschrei und wenig Wolle [Redewendung]
(but) be that as it may(doch) sei dem, wie ihm wolle [veraltet]
(but) be that as it may(doch) sei es, wie es wolle [veraltet]
He mumbled something about wanting ...Er nuschelte etwas von wegen, er wolle ... [ugs.]
to live / be in clover [idiom](warm / weich) in der Wolle sitzen [veraltet] [Redewendung]
to get into a scrap with sb. [coll.]mit jdm. in die Wolle geraten [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to live / be in clover [idiom]warm und weich in der Wolle sitzen [veraltet] [Redewendung]
to quarrel with sb.sichAkk. mit jdm. in die Wolle kriegen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to be at loggerheads with sb. (about / on / over sth.) [idiom]sichAkk. mit jdm. (wegen etw. [Gen. oder Dat.]) in der Wolle haben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
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