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English-German translation for: future
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Dictionary English German: future

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ADJ   future | - | -
NOUN1   (the) future | -
NOUN2   a future | futures
SYNO   future | future tense | next ... 
NOUN1   das Futur | die Future
NOUN2   der Future | die Futures
SYNO   Börsenterminkontrakt | Future ... 
future {adj}
future {adj}
future {adj}
future {adj}
future {adj}hinkünftig [österr.]
future {adj} [e.g. President]nachmalig [veraltend]
future {adj} [e.g. the future tax rate]kommend
future ... {adj}... in spe
Zukunft {f}
(the) future
Zukünftiges {n}
2 Words: Others
future-focused {adj}zukunftsorientiert
future-oriented {adj}zukunftsorientiert
future-oriented {adj}zukunftsweisend
future-proof {adj}zukunftsfest
future-proof {adj}zukunftssicher
in future {adv}fürder [geh.] [veraltet] [in Zukunft]
in future {adv}fürderhin [geh.] [veraltet] [in Zukunft]
in future {adv}inskünftig [schweiz., sonst veraltet]
in future {adv}künftig
in future {adv}zukünftig
in future {adv}in Zukunft
2 Words: Verbs
to future-proof sth.etw.Akk. zukunftssicher machen
2 Words: Nouns
bright futureaussichtsvolle Zukunft {f}
bright futureglänzende Zukunft {f}
bright futurestrahlende Zukunft {f}
brilliant futureaussichtsreiche Zukunft {f}
stocks commodity futureWarenterminkontrakt {m}
currency futureWährungsterminkontrakt {m}
dark futurefreudlose Zukunft {f}
doubtful futureungesicherte Zukunft {f}
ecol. energy futureEnergiezukunft {f}
financial futurefinanzielle Zukunft {f}
foreseeable futureabsehbare Zeit {f}
ling. future (tense)Futur (I) {n}
future actionzukünftige Vorgehensweise {f}
future aspectszukünftige Perspektiven {pl}
future deliveryTermingeschäft {n}
future deliveryTerminlieferung {f}
future deliverykünftige Lieferung {f}
future developmentzukünftige Entwicklung {f}
future developmentzukünftige Entwicklungslinie {f}
future earningszukünftige Erträge {pl}
future effectZukunftswirkung {f}
future energiesZukunftsenergien {pl}
fin. stocks future exchangeDevisenterminhandel {m}
future expectationZukunftserwartung {f}
ind. future factoryFabrik {f} der Zukunft
future generationsdie Nachgeborenen {pl}
future generationszukünftige Generationen {pl}
future generations [succeeding generations]nachfolgende Generationen {pl}
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A 2024-05-13: "... sollen erlaubt werden" refers to the future: "... are going to be a...
Q 2022-07-20: Use of Future Perfect in US English
A 2021-11-30: In future write out your sentence in full.
Q 2020-06-11: Present continous with future meaning in reported speech
A 2019-06-21: Future event - original sentence grammatically incorrect
Q 2019-06-11: future cost
A 2019-03-17: Beispiel OD: ‘the dystopian future of a society bereft of reason’
A 2018-11-22: Hope points towards the future, the presence of physigognomy does not
A 2018-11-19: Als Überschrift? (Future) ways of structuring research and development an...
A 2017-11-12: For future reference
A 2017-09-28: Revise the past, serve the present, tell the future
A 2017-09-03: Future tense?
A 2017-06-30: The English sentence needs the future:
A 2017-06-23: in the future
A 2017-05-18: is spin-doctored into a valuable concept of the future
A 2016-09-01: Future
Q 2016-07-17: Kurzantwort will future
A 2016-06-24: The future will be much more complicated for the people in the UK
A 2016-06-21: knowledge creates future
Q 2016-05-20: Which future tenses fits the German futuristic present the most likely?

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