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English-German translation for: gag order
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Dictionary English German: gag order

Translation 1 - 50 of 1802  >>

NOUN   a gag order | gag orders
gag orderMaulkorberlass {m}
journ. law gag orderNachrichtensperre {f}
gag orderRedeverbot {n}
Partial Matches
gagEinfall {m} [witziger Einfall, Gag]
gagWitz {m}
gagwitziger Einfall {m}
Gag! [coll.]Würg! [ugs.]
to gag [retch]würgen [Brechreiz haben]
to gag sb.jdn. knebeln
to gag sb.jdn. mundtot machen
gag [joke]Gag {m}
gag [mouth]Knebel {m} [Mundknebel]
biochem. glycosaminoglycan <GAG>Glykosaminoglykan {n} <GAG>
ball gagBallknebel {m}
bit gagTrensenknebel {m}
cleave gagSpaltknebel {m} [meist ein Tuch zwischen den Zähnen]
gag giftScherzgeschenk {n}
gag presentScherzgeschenk {n}
tools gag pressRichtpresse {f} [Stempelrichtpresse]
med. gag reflexWürgereflex {m}
med. gag reflexWürgreflex {m}
VetMed. gag-bitMaulsperre {f}
market. marketing gagMarketing-Gag {m}
market. marketing gagMarketinggag {m}
zool. mouth gagMaulsperrer {m}
mouth gagMundknebel {m}
dent. mouth gagMundsperrer {m} [Dental-Mundspreizer]
med. mouth gagMundsperrer {m} [z. B. bei Narkose]
to gag [tell jokes]Witze reißen [ugs.]
to gag sb. [fig.]jdn. zum Schweigen bringen [fig.]
dent. med. MedTech. gag [surgical gag]Kieferspreizer {m}
to gag on sth.an etw.Dat. würgen
econ. jobs law gag clause [coll.]Verschwiegenheitsklausel {f}
gag law [coll.]Maulkorberlass {m} [ugs.]
gag law [coll.]Maulkorbgesetz {n} [ugs.]
gag man [author]Pointenschreiber {m}
pol. gag rule [Am.]Maulkorberlass {m} [ugs.]
pol. gag rule [Am.]Maulkorbgesetz {n} [ugs.]
film RadioTV running gag [fig.]Running Gag {m} [fig.] [Dauerwitz]
journ. to gag the pressdie Presse knebeln
idiom to gag the pressdie Presse mundtot machen
MedTech. VetMed. (veterinary) mouth gagMaulgatter {n}
med. urge to gagWürgereiz {m}
urge to gagWürgreiz {m}
inflatable rubber penis gagaufblasbarer Gummipenisknebel {m}
film pie-in-the-face gagTorten-Gag {m}
dent. med. MedTech. gag [surgical gag; here: for humans]Mundsperre {f} [ugs.] [Vorrichtung zum Offenhalten; Kieferspreizer]
dent. MedTech. VetMed. full-mouth gag [McPherson mouth gag]McPerson-Maulgatter {n}
stocks immediate or cancel order <IOC order> [also: accept order]IOC-Order {f}
VetMed. gag [surgical gag; here: e.g. for dogs]Maulsperre {f} [Vorrichtung zum Offenhalten]
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A 2006-08-28: the management put a gag order/rule on s.b.

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