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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: gaging station
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: gaging station

Translation 1 - 50 of 790  >>

NOUN   a gaging station | gaging stations
gaging stationMessstation {f}
Partial Matches
gaging {adj} {pres-p} [archaic]zum Pfand gebend
gaging [Am.]Eichung {f}
gaging [Am.] [calibrating]Kalibrieren {n}
tech. decentral combined heat and power station <CHP station>Blockheizkraftwerk {n} <BHKW>
automot. electric vehicle charging station <EV charging station>Ladesäule {f} [Stromtankstelle]
automot. electric vehicle charging station <EV charging station>Ladestation {f} [Stromtankstelle]
EU compressed natural gas refuelling station <CNG, CNG refuelling station>Erdgastankstelle {f} <CNG>
to stationaufstellen
to stationpositionieren
to stationstationieren
stationHaltepunkt {m}
stationPosition {f}
RadioTV stationSender {m}
stationStation {f}
jobs stationStelle {f}
agr. station [Aus.]große Farm {f}
admin. station [police]Postenkommando {n} [österr.] [Gendarmeriedienststelle]
rail station [small]Haltestelle {f}
med. in-station {adj}stationsintern
to station oneselfsich postieren
mil. to station troopsTruppen stationieren
rail accepting stationAnnahmebahnhof {m}
comp. accepting stationempfangende Datenstation {f}
access stationZugriffsstation {f}
mil. action stationGefechtsstellung {f}
comp. active stationarbeitende Datenstation {f}
mil. air stationFlugstation {f}
FireResc ambulance stationRettungswache {f} <RW>
med. ambulance stationSanitätswache {f}
MedTech. archive stationArchivierungsstation {f}
comp. MedTech. archiving stationArchivierungsstation {f}
rail area stationLeitbahnhof {m}
rail arrival stationAnkunftsbahnhof {m}
rail arrival stationZielbahnhof {m}
ind. assembly stationFließbandstation {f}
tech. assembly stationMontagestation {f}
base stationBasisstation {f}
telecom. base stationLadestation {f}
mil. battle stationGefechtsstation {f}
mil. battle stationGefechtsstellung {f}
mil. battle stationKampfstation {f}
bike bicycle stationFahrradstation {f}
rail block stationBlockstelle {f}
constr. booster stationDruckerhöhungsanlage {f}
rail border stationGrenzbahnhof {m}
border stationGrenzstation {f}
breeding stationAufzuchtstation {f}
equest. breeding stationHengststation {f}
zool. breeding stationZuchtstation {f}
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