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English-German translation for: gained
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Dictionary English German: gained

Translation 1 - 18 of 18

English German
VERB  to gain | gained | gained ... 
gained {adj} {past-p}
sb. gained
jd. errang
sb. gained
jd. gewann
gained {adj} {past-p}
gained {adj} {past-p}
2 Words
sb./sth. gained weightjd./etw. nahm zu
knowledge gainedErkenntnisgewinn {m}
3 Words
illegally gained assetsunrechtmäßig erworbenes Vermögen {n}
4 Words
proverb Nothing ventured, nothing gained.Aus nichts wird nichts.
proverb Nothing ventured, nothing gained.Nichts gewagt, nichts gewonnen.
proverb Nothing ventured, nothing gained.Wer nicht wagt, der nicht gewinnt.
proverb Nothing ventured, nothing gained.Wer nichts wagt, der nichts gewinnt.
The market gained strength.Der Markt erholte sich.
law to disgorge (illegally gained) profits(illegal erwirtschaftete) Gewinne herausgeben
5+ Words
gained in practice, for use in practice [slogan]aus der Praxis für die Praxis [Slogan]
relig. God's blessing gained, all is obtained.An Gottes Segen ist alles gelegen.
I gained / learned a lot from it.Es hat mich sehr bereichert.
We have already gained much.Wir haben schon viel gewonnen.
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Q 2019-01-26: Richard of York gained battles in vain. *Merkvers für Regebogenfarben*.
A 2016-08-04: This Bible verse (Ecclesistes /Qoheleth resp. Predig Salomor/Koheleth] 1:2...
A 2014-07-08: My try: They treat him as if he had gained everything in his life.
A 2012-12-01: …, deren Einfluss …zunahm? Bedeutet gained ascendancy hier nicht eher, das...
A 2011-07-22: Sorry, the attacker seems to have been a man whose waggishness may have ga...
A 2011-05-19: benefits / advantages gained by experience ?
A 2011-01-19: Yes, nothing ventured, nothing gained is closer
A 2011-01-19: nothing ventured, nothing gained
A 2010-08-30: It gained honour.
A 2010-08-17: (we) gained a competitive advantage
A 2010-07-21: Nothing ventured, nothing gained?
A 2010-06-23: "Nothing ventured - nothing gained" is probably not close enough.
A 2009-08-27: "erspielen" means here that he gained the item by playing
A 2009-04-22: which are gained in the files
A 2009-03-15: Yes, that means she has gained her experience by living life
A 2009-03-05: From insights gained during clinical treatment, we have come to understand...
A 2009-03-05: PS: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=%22knowledge+gained+from%22&btnG=S...
A 2009-03-05: knowledge won from / understanding gained from
A 2009-03-05: with the knowledge we GAINED
Q 2008-11-10: be gained from achieving scale

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