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English-German translation for: gale
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Dictionary English German: gale

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NOUN   a gale | gales
meteo. gale <g>
Sturm {m}
meteo. gale
Starkwind {m}
meteo. naut. galesteife Brise {f} [starker Wind, Sturm]
meteo. gale [8 Bft]stürmischer Wind {m} [8 Bft]
meteo. gale [archaic]leichter Wind {m}
lit. gale [archaic] [gentle breeze]sanfte Brise {f}
2 Words: Nouns
meteo. equinoctial galeÄquinoktialsturm {m}
meteo. gale forceSturmstärke {f}
meteo. gale warningSturmwarnung {f}
meteo. gale warningsSturmwarnungen {pl}
meteo. heavy galeSturmwind {m}
howling galeheulender Sturm {m}
meteo. moderate gale [32 tp 38 miles per hour]leichter Sturm {m} [51 to 61 Stundenkilometer, Windstärke 7]
geogr. Mount GaleMount Gale {m}
meteo. near gale [7 Bft]steifer Wind {m} [7 Bft]
meteo. stiff galestarker Sturm {m}
meteo. strong galeheftiger Sturm {m}
meteo. strong galestarker Sturm {m}
meteo. strong gale [9 Bft]Sturm {m} [9 Bft]
vehement galewilder Sturm {m}
3 Words: Others
meteo. A gale is blowing.Es bläst ein Sturm.
3 Words: Nouns
naut. (gale) warning flagSturmfahne {f}
naut. (gale) warning flagSturmflagge {f}
gale of laughterLachsalve {f}
gale of laughterbrüllendes Gelächter {n}
naut. gale warning signalSturmwarnsignal {n}
meteo. gale-force storm [11 Bft]orkanartiger Sturm {m}
meteo. gale-force windsOrkanböen {pl} [Sturmböen mit Windgeschwindigkeit von mindestens 103 km/h]
gale-force windsstürmische Winde {pl}
math. Gale-Stewart theorem [also: theorem of Gale and Stewart]Satz {m} von Gale-Stewart
4 Words: Others
meteo. It's blowing a gale.Es stürmt.
4 Words: Verbs
meteo. to issue a gale warningeine Sturmwarnung ausgeben
4 Words: Nouns
velocity of a galeGeschwindigkeit {f} eines Sturms
5+ Words: Others
It's blowing a gale outside. [Br.]Draußen tobt ein Sturm.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Gale Warning [US title] [Hammond Innes]Das Schiff im Felsen
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
Gagel {m}
bot. T
entom. T
entom. T
bot. T
Porsch {m}
bot. T
Porst {m}
bot. T
bot. T
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A 2014-04-14: Ein "gale" (Windstärke 8) ist ein eher 'milder' Sturm; stärker sind storm ...
A 2014-04-14: It caused a gale that ripped the skins off people in the vale.
A 2011-02-19: gale/storm
A 2011-02-19: In AE sailor's jargon, a "gale" often means a strong (and often unexpected...
A 2011-02-19: gale - Windstärke 8 ; storm - Windstärke 10
A 2011-02-19: A gale is a very strong wind -
Q 2011-02-19: a storm / a gale
A 2011-01-11: It's what Glinda, the Good Witch of the South, tells Dorothy Gale to do to...

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