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English-German translation for: gaming
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Dictionary English German: gaming

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NOUN   gaming | -
VERB  to game | gamed | gamed
gaming | games
SYNO   gambling | gaming | play
games gaming {adj} {pres-p}um Geld spielend
games gaming {adj} [attr.] [e.g. console, debts, house, machine, piece, table]Spiel- [z. B. Konsole, Schulden, Kasino, Automat, Stein, Tisch]
games gaming
Spielen {n} [um Geld]
2 Words: Others
non-gaming {adj} [hotel etc.]ohne Casino [nachgestellt] [Hotel etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
comp. games Internet computer gamingComputerspielen {n}
furn. games gaming chairGaming-Stuhl {m}
gaming clubSpieleclub {m}
gaming companyGlücksspielunternehmen {n}
comp. games gaming consoleSpielkonsole {f}
gaming debtSpielschuld {f}
gaming debtsSpielschulden {pl}
games gaming deviceSpielgerät {n}
games gaming equipmentGaming-Equipment {n}
gaming funSpielspaß {m}
gaming houseSpielkasino {n}
games gaming machineGlücksautomat {m}
games gaming machineSpielautomat {m}
games gaming modeSpielmodus {m}
games gaming piecePöppel {m} [regional]
games gaming pieceSpielstein {m}
gaming riskSpielrisiko {n}
gaming room [gambling room]Spielsalon {m}
comp. games med. gaming sicknessSpielübelkeit {f}
games math. psych. gaming strategySpielstrategie {f}
gaming tableKartentisch {m}
furn. games gaming tableSpieltisch {m}
Internet online gamingOnline-Gaming {n}
Internet online gaming {sg}Internet-Spiele {pl}
Internet online gaming {sg}Online-Spiele {pl}
games video gamingVideospielen {n}
3 Words: Nouns
econ. games ind. computer gaming industryComputerspielindustrie {f}
psych. internet gaming disorder <IGD>(pathologischer) Internet-Spielzwang {m} [Spielzwang im Internet]
games psych. video-gaming behavior [Am.]Computerspielverhalten {n}
4 Words: Nouns
games coin-operated gaming machineMünzspielautomat {m}
eagerly awaited gaming consolemit Spannung erwartete Spielkonsole {f}
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A 2016-09-10: Mobile gaming
A 2015-02-12: In the U.S., "adult entertainment" often includes gaming and lotteries.
A 2014-04-12: gaming = gambling
A 2014-04-12: Thank you - the issue is where we shall put "gaming" versus "game" and "ga...
A 2014-04-12: gaming industry includes games that won't let you win money?
Q 2014-04-12: gaming industry
A 2012-10-10: A makeshift gaming chip?
A 2011-05-27: http://www.wallstreet-online.de/nachricht/3159857-oasis-500-and-jordan-gam...
A 2010-02-20: Your game matters more to you than I do / fascinates you more than I do (c...
A 2010-01-17: gaming online / play the * computer game
Q 2009-06-19: Online casual gaming website
Q 2008-11-27: we are a growing Austrian Company in the "Gaming" Sector
A 2007-08-01: oder: gaming machine suppliers ??
A 2007-08-01: oder: gaming machine suppliers ??
A 2007-08-01: gaming machine manufacturers

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