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English-German translation for: garage
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Dictionary English German: garage

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NOUN   a garage | garages
VERB  to garage | garaged | garaged ... 
SYNO   garage | service department
NOUN   die Garage | die Garagen
SYNO   Garage | Garage Punk | Garage Rock ... 
automot. to garage sth.
etw. einstellen [in Garage]
automot. to garagein die Garage fahren [Gefährt]
to garagein einer Garage unterstellen
to garage sth.etw.Akk. garagieren [österr.] [schweiz.]
to garage sth. [put sth. in a garage] [e.g. a car]etw.Akk. in einer Garage abstellen [z. B. einen Wagen]
Garage {f}
automot. garage [car repair shop]
Autowerkstatt {f}
automot. garage [service station, filling station]
Tankstelle {f}
carhouse [Am.]
Garage {f}
automot. garage [repair shop]
Reparaturwerkstatt {f}
garage [service station]
Autoreparaturwerkstatt {f}
garage [service station]
Tanke {f} [ugs.] [Tankstelle]
automot. garage [repair shop]Kfz-Werkstatt {f}
2 Words: Nouns
basement garageKellergarage {f}
bike bicycle garageFahrradgarage {f}
bike bike garageFahrradgarage {f}
transp. bus garageBusdepot {n}
transp. bus garageBushalle {f}
transp. bus garageOmnibushalle {f}
rail transp. bus garageWagenhalle {f} [Depot]
archi. collective garageSammelgarage {f}
dealer's garageWerkstatt {f} des Händlers
constr. detached garagefreistehende Garage {f}
archi. double garageDoppelgarage {f}
RealEst. garage apartment [Am.]Garagenwohnung {f} [Wohnung in oder über dem Garagengebäude]
archi. garage buildingGaragengebäude {n}
garage doorGaragentor {n}
archi. garage doorGaragentür {f}
constr. traffic garage driveGaragenauffahrt {f}
constr. traffic garage driveGaragenzufahrt {f}
RealEst. traffic garage drivewayGarageneinfahrt {f}
garage gateGaragentor {n}
garage hopping [Am.][Eindringen von Jugendlichen in Garagen der Nachbarschaft, um an Bier oder Alkoholika zu kommen]
automot. garage jackWagenheber {m}
automot. constr. garage levelGaragenebene {f}
constr. garage levelGaragengeschoss {n}
automot. jobs garage ownerAutowerkstattbesitzer {m}
automot. jobs garage ownerReparaturwerkstattbesitzer {m}
automot. jobs garage ownerWerkstattbesitzer {m} [Autowerkstattbesitzer]
automot. jobs garage ownerKfz-Werkstatt-Besitzer {m}
mus. garage punkGaragenpunk {m}
mus. garage rockGaragenrock {m}
garage saleGaragenflohmarkt {m}
garage saleGaragenverkauf {m}
garage saleprivater Flohmarkt {m}
lock-up [Br.]Garage {f}
parking garageEinstellhalle {f} [schweiz.]
parking garage [Am.]Parkhaus {n} [mehrgeschossig]
private garagePrivatgarage {f}
RealEst. rented garageMietgarage {f}
archi. single garageEinzelgarage {f}
subterranean garageTiefgarage {f}
mil. Unverified tank garage [Am.]Panzergarage {f}
underground garageTiefgarage {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to clean the garagedie Garage aufräumen
to garage a carein Auto in die Garage stellen
3 Words: Nouns
deep-level garageTiefgarage {f}
constr. garage connecting doorGaragenverbindungstür {f} [auch: Garagen-Verbindungstür]
garage door driveGaragentorantrieb {m}
garage door openerGaragentoröffner {m}
constr. garage side doorGaragenseitentür {f} [auch: Garagen-Seitentür]
one's own garageeigene Garage {f}
sectional garage doorSektionalgaragentor {n}
underground parking garage [esp. Am.]Tiefgarage {f}
4 Words: Verbs
to back into the garagein die Garage zurücksetzen
to back into the garagerückwärts in die Garage fahren
to reverse into the garagein die Garage zurücksetzen
to reverse into the garagerückwärts in die Garage fahren
4 Words: Nouns
archi. traffic four-story parking garage [Am.]viergeschossiges Parkhaus {n}
archi. traffic four-story parking garage [Am.]vierstöckiges Parkhaus {n}
multi-story parking garage [Am.]Hochgarage {f}
owner of a garage [for repairing and servicing motor vehicles]Garagist {m} [schweiz.]
underground garage parking spaceTiefgaragenplatz {m}
5+ Words: Others
automot. when driving into the garage {adv}beim Reinfahren in die Garage [ugs.]
TrVocab. Where is a garage please?Wo finde ich bitte eine Werkstatt?
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A 2015-11-22: Lock up Garage
A 2015-11-22: Lock Up Garage
A 2015-10-26: (16:22) +le+ garage > +die+ Garage http://www.cnrtl.fr/definition/garage
A 2015-01-04: doorway into the garage
A 2014-04-30: A transponder for opening garage doors etc.
A 2014-04-29: thanks, Jim - garage can also be dealership in the UK, too :-)
A 2014-03-11: I shall / I'll leave daddy's limo in the garage and take public transport ...
A 2014-01-22: In der Tat: "a commercial parking garage entry".
A 2010-07-14: @ MichaelK: Oh yes! Far away from any garage, I ALWAYS managed to get the ...
A 2010-06-15: Yes: This garage is now considered the birthplace of the Silicon Valley
A 2010-05-02: Is this two people entering the garage?
A 2010-04-08: garage test, toy train audiometry
A 2009-10-01: dee ayar,- yes I think the guys at the garage are 'they' :-)
A 2008-12-17: car parking bays (garage / outside) ... 10 / 10 No. (man braucht spaces/ba...
A 2008-07-01: Korral oder Wagenburg, heute wäre es eine "Garage" für Kutschen.
A 2008-06-25: multi-storey carpark (UK) / parking garage (US)
A 2008-06-25: multi-storey car parking .... / parking garage
A 2008-06-25: Park Garage
A 2008-06-25: http://www1.dict.cc/?s=parking garage
A 2008-06-03: Context! Wo war der PKW denn vorher, wenn nicht auf der Fahrbahn? War er i...

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garage drive
garage driveway
garage gate

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