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English-German translation for: gene
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Dictionary English German: gene

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NOUN   a gene | genes
SYNO   cistron | factor | gene
NOUN   das Gen | die Gene
biol. gene
Gen {n}
biol. genes
Gene {pl}
biol. gene
Erbfaktor {m}
2 Words: Others
biochem. gene-based {adj}genbasiert
biol. gene-specific {adj}genspezifisch
2 Words: Nouns
biol. bacterial geneBakteriengen {n}
biol. cancer geneKrebsgen {n}
biol. candidate geneKandidatengen {n}
biol. control geneKontrollgen {n}
biol. equest. cream geneCream-Gen {n} <Cr>
biol. med. damaged genegeschädigtes Gen {n}
biol. med. damaged genesgeschädigte Gene {pl}
biol. dominant genedominantes Gen {n}
biol. bot. dwarfing geneVerzwergungsgen {n}
biol. dynamin geneDynamin-Gen {n}
biochem. fusion geneFusionsgen {n}
biochem. FXN geneFXN-Gen {n}
biol. gene abundanceGenabundanz {f}
biol. gene activationGenaktivierung {f}
biol. gene activityGenaktivität {f}
biol. gene amplificationGenamplifikation {f}
biochem. biol. med. gene analysisGenanalyse {f}
biol. gene bankGenbank {f}
biol. gene cassetteGenkassette {f}
biotech. gene chipGenchip {m}
biotech. gene chipDNA-Chip {m}
biol. gene clusterGen-Cluster {m} {n}
biol. gene combinationGenkombination {f}
biol. gene complexGenkomplex {m}
biol. gene contentGengehalt {m}
biol. gene conversionGenkonversion {f}
biol. med. gene damageGenschaden {m}
biol. med. gene damageGenschädigung {f}
biol. med. gene damage {sg}Genschäden {pl}
biol. med. gene damagesGenschäden {pl}
biol. med. gene databaseGendatenbank {f}
biol. med. gene deletionGendeletion {f}
biochem. gene densityGendichte {f}
biochem. med. gene diagnostics [treated as sg.]Gendiagnostik {f}
biol. gene disruptionGendisruption {f}
biol. gene dopingGendoping {n}
biotech. gene driveGene-Drive {m} {n}
biol. gene duplicationGenduplikation {f}
biol. ecol. gene erosionGenerosion {f}
med. gene errorGenfehler {m}
biol. gene expressionExprimierung {f}
biochem. gene expressionGenausprägung {f}
biol. gene expressionGenexpression {f}
biochem. gene familyGenfamilie {f}
biol. gene flowGenfluss {m}
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A 2024-10-04: Midnightboy, What is your interpretation of Gene Simmons’s stance/sentence?
A 2017-05-18: St Martin's gene
A 2017-01-28: @ Gene
A 2016-11-16: Uffiee you surprise me! quoting Gene Simmons of Kiss :)
Q 2011-07-05: gene signature-based diagnostic assays
Q 2010-12-05: Gene x gene x environment interactions
A 2009-09-20: The Quarter Horse has had a continual gene flow from/a large infusion of T...
Q 2009-05-13: Das Ergebnis konnte bei (Labor) ratten beobachtet werden.(increasing muscl...
A 2008-01-08: gene expression; DANKE an alle!
A 2008-01-07: als Nichtmedizinerin würde ich sagen: Gene werden exprimiert, es sei denn,...
Q 2008-01-07: gene expression
Q 2007-12-13: collective nouns & Gene Wolfe
A 2007-11-19: Having read the whole thing: +Through+ the linkage of gene changes to wome...
A 2007-11-19: By the linkage of gene changes to women, and by subsequently increased con...
Q 2007-06-01: überexprimierte (Gene)
A 2006-11-20: ich denke eher an das Lied von Gene Pitney (uralt, aber toll!)
A 2005-10-03: DNA test, DNA analysis, gene test
A 2005-07-18: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=%22transcribed+target+gene%22&btn...
A 2005-07-18: das Zielgen = target gene
Q 2004-04-02: Empfinden Sie oder haben Sie früher allergische Reaktionen gene übermäßige...

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