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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: general idea
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Dictionary English German: general idea

Translation 1 - 50 of 1220  >>

NOUN   a general idea | general ideas
general ideaallgemeine Vorstellung {f}
Keywords contained
That's the general idea. [idiom]Das ist Sinn und Zweck der Sache. [Redewendung]
Partial Matches
mil. four-star general <4-star general>Vier-Sterne-General {m} <4-Sterne-General>
mil. one-star general <1-star general>Ein-Stern-General {m} <1-Stern-General>
mil. three-star general <3-star general>Drei-Sterne-General {m} <3-Sterne-General>
mil. two-star general <2-star general>Zwei-Sterne-General {m} <2-Sterne-General>
ideaAhnung {f}
ideaAnschauung {f}
ideaBegriff {m} [Vorstellung, Idee]
ideaGedanke {m}
ideaIdee {f}
ideaImpuls {m} [Idee]
ideaMeinung {f}
ideaPlan {m}
ideaVorstellung {f}
No idea!Kein Plan! <kP> [ugs.]
No idea!Keine Ahnung!
No idea!Keinen (blassen) Dunst! [ugs.] [Keine Ahnung!]
(basic) ideaKonzeption {f} [geh.] [Grundgedanke]
philos. absolute ideaabsolute Idee {f} [Hegel]
abstruse ideaverworrene Idee {f}
absurd ideaabsurde Idee {f}
advertising ideaWerbeidee {f}
approximate ideaungefähre Ahnung {f}
archi. architectural ideaBauidee {f}
basic ideaGrundbegriff {m}
basic ideaGrundgedanke {m}
basic ideaGrundidee {f}
basic ideaGrundvorstellung {f}
basic ideaLeitgedanke {m}
bright ideaprächtige Idee {f}
brilliant ideaexzellente Idee {f}
brilliant ideaGeistesblitz {m}
brilliant ideageniale Idee {f}
brilliant ideaWahnsinnsidee {f} [großartige Idee]
broad ideaallgemeine Vorstellung {f}
business ideaGeschäftsidee {f}
central ideaHauptidee {f}
central ideaKerngedanke {m}
central ideaLeitidee {f}
challenging ideaherausfordernde Idee {f}
chief ideaHauptidee {f}
clever ideagute Idee {f}
clever ideapfiffige Idee {f}
common ideagemeinsame Idee {f}
competition ideaWettkampfgedanke {m}
psych. compulsive ideaZwangsidee {f}
psych. compulsive ideaZwangsvorstellung {f}
conceptual ideaKonzeptidee {f}
constructional ideaKonstruktionsidee {f}
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A 2017-11-18: It's the general idea?
A 2012-05-20: It means "it gives you the general idea".
A 2010-11-24: Yes, the "Fixgeschäft" is the general idea.
A 2010-02-28: was gemeint ist: not just a general idea, not just an outline or draft, no...
A 2009-05-31: Vision is a general idea of a desirable / desired state of affairs with a ...
A 2008-02-28: capable of putting a general idea into focus
A 2006-08-06: The general idea is that those alterations did more harm than good
A 2006-05-23: general idea

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