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English-German translation for: general investigation
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Dictionary English German: general investigation

Translation 1 - 50 of 1025  >>

general investigationallgemeine Untersuchung {f}
Partial Matches
mil. four-star general <4-star general>Vier-Sterne-General {m} <4-Sterne-General>
mil. one-star general <1-star general>Ein-Stern-General {m} <1-Stern-General>
mil. three-star general <3-star general>Drei-Sterne-General {m} <3-Sterne-General>
mil. two-star general <2-star general>Zwei-Sterne-General {m} <2-Sterne-General>
ecol. investigationAbklärung {f}
investigationAusforschung {f}
investigationErforschung {f}
investigationErhebung {f} [Untersuchung]
investigationErkundung {f}
investigationErmittlung {f}
spec. investigationInvestigation {f}
investigationNachforschung {f}
investigationRecherche {f}
investigationSondierung {f}
investigationUntersuchung {f}
under investigation {adv}unter Überprüfung
accident investigationUnfalluntersuchung {f}
analytical investigationanalytische Untersuchung {f}
econ. antitrust investigationWettbewerbsprüfung {f}
archival investigationArchivforschung {f}
audit investigationBilanzprüfung {f}
backlog investigationRückstandsverfolgung {f}
careful investigationsorgfältige Untersuchung {f}
spec. causal investigationUrsachenforschung {f}
comparative investigationVergleichsuntersuchung {f} [auch seitens der Polizei]
component investigationKomponentenuntersuchung {f}
fin. credit investigationBonitätsprüfung {f}
fin. credit investigationKreditwürdigkeitsprüfung {f}
admin. law customs investigationZollfahndung {f}
law death investigationErmittlung {f} der Todesursache
law death investigationUntersuchung {f} der Todesursache
acad. detailed investigationDetailuntersuchung {f}
diagnostic investigationDiagnostik {f}
dragnet investigationRasterfahndung {f}
dragnet investigationSchleppnetzfahndung {f}
acad. empirical investigationempirische Untersuchung {f}
epidemiological investigationepidemiologische Untersuchung {f}
med. experimental investigationexperimentelle Untersuchung {f}
facade investigationFassadenuntersuchung {f}
tech. fault investigationFehleruntersuchung {f}
law faulty investigationFehlermittlung {f}
field investigationFelduntersuchung {f}
fire investigationBrandermittlung {f}
FireResc law fire investigationBrandursachenermittlung {f}
flow investigationStrömungsuntersuchung {f}
law forensic investigationforensische Untersuchung {f}
law forensic investigationkriminaltechnische Untersuchung {f}
full investigationvollständige Untersuchung {f}
grid investigationRasterfahndung {f}
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