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English-German translation for: generating
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Dictionary English German: generating

Translation 1 - 34 of 34

English German
NOUN   generating | -
VERB  to generate | generated | generated
generating | generates
generating {adj} {pres-p}
generating {adj} {pres-p}
Erzeugung {f}
generatingGenerierung {f}
2 Words: Others
phys. tech. heat-generating {adj}wärmeerzeugend
hypothesis-generating {adj} {pres-p} [e.g. hypothesis-generating approach]hypothesengenerierend
MedTech. photo. image-generating {adj}bilderzeugend
2 Words: Nouns
electr. generating electricityStromgewinnung {f}
math. generating functionerzeugende Funktion {f}
engin. tech. generating gearerzeugendes Rad {n}
generating plantElektrizitätswerk {n}
generating plantKraftwerk {n}
ind. generating plant [power]Erzeugungsanlage {f} [Energie]
generating setGeneratoraggregat {n}
electr. generating setStromaggregat {n}
electr. generating stationKraftwerk {n}
math. generating systemErzeugendensystem {n}
3 Words: Nouns
electr. backup generating setNotstromaggregat {n}
fin. cash-generating unitzahlungsmittelgenerierende Einheit {f}
math. stat. cumulant generating functionKumulanten-erzeugende Funktion {f}
electr. ind. electricity-generating capacityStromerzeugungskapazität {f}
tech. emergency generating setNotstromanlage {f}
emergency generating unitNotstromaggregat {n}
engin. heat-generating plantWärmeerzeugungsanlage {f}
comp. photo. image generating programBilderzeugungsprogramm {n}
MedTech. image-generating radiationbildgebende Strahlung {f}
chem. plasma generating chamber <PGC>Plasmaerzeugungskammer {f}
math. stat. probability-generating functionwahrscheinlichkeitserzeugende Funktion {f}
right-generating effectrechtserzeugende Wirkung {f}
4 Words: Nouns
artificial snow generating plantKunstschnee-Erzeugungsanlage {f}
electr. emergency power generating setNotstromaggregat {n}
tech. peak-load generating unitSpitzenlastaggregat {n}
5+ Words: Nouns
acc. impairment of cash-generating assets [IAS 36]Wertminderungen {pl} von zahlungsmittelgenerierenden Vermögenswerten [IAS 36]
engin. joint venture power generating plantGemeinschaftskraftwerk {n}
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Q 2011-05-04: generating leads in german
A 2009-05-05: +Grudgingly+ has also the sense of generating low grade ill-will on the pa...
Q 2009-04-03: U.S. nameplate generating capacity has increased more than 40% in the past...
A 2008-10-28: Danke Meto. loss-generating goods ist besser.
A 2008-10-08: bulk-forming/generating (plant) variety
A 2008-09-24: When generating electricity from a primary energy source, heat is always p...
A 2008-09-24: Heat is always created when generating electricity from primary energy/a p...
A 2008-06-23: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Ade%3A...
A 2005-11-18: value generating, add value
A 2005-08-30: value-generating activities
A 2005-05-31: Self-hypnotic heat generating mantras
Q 2005-02-02: generating growth
A 2004-04-29: If the Certificate type is Relieving, we will be populating the Reason for...
Q 2004-04-29: which is mandatory & used while generating the certificate.
A 2004-04-22: I think he is generating his questions with a sort of macro
Q 2004-01-17: generating costs, contracting costs
Q 2003-05-03: Generating Functions

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