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English-German translation for: genetic
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Dictionary English German: genetic

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ADJ   genetic | - | -
SYNO   genetic | genetical | genetical ... 
biol. genetic {adj}
genetic {adj}
biol. genetic {adj}
2 Words: Others
biochem. behavioral genetic {adj} [Am.]verhaltensgenetisch
biochem. behavioural genetic {adj} [Br.]verhaltensgenetisch
biochem. genetic-based {adj}genetisch basiert
historico-genetic {adj}historisch-genetisch
acad. med. human genetic {adj} [attr.]humangenetisch
biol. landscape-genetic {adj}landschaftsgenetisch
biochem. non-genetic {adj}nichtgenetisch
biochem. non-genetic {adj}nicht-genetisch
biol. population-genetic {adj}populationsgenetisch
2 Words: Nouns
comp. math. genetic algorithm <GA>genetischer Algorithmus {m}
genetic analysesGenanalysen {pl}
genetic analysisGenanalyse {f}
biochem. genetic analysisgenetische Analyse {f}
acad. genetic assimilationgenetische Assimilation {f}
biol. genetic blueprintgenetischer Bauplan {m}
biol. genetic bottleneckgenetischer Flaschenhals {m}
med. genetic causegenetische Ursache {f}
biol. genetic changesgenetische Veränderungen {pl}
biol. genetic changes {pl}Erbgutveränderung {f}
biol. genetic codeGencode {m}
biol. genetic codegenetischer Code {m}
biol. genetic conflictgenetischer Konflikt {m}
biol. genetic constitutionErbgut {n}
biol. genetic constitutionErbmasse {f}
biol. genetic constitutiongenetische Struktur {f}
biol. genetic correlationgenetische Korrelation {f}
med. genetic counseling [Am.]genetische Beratung {f}
med. genetic counseling [Am.]humangenetische Beratung {f}
med. genetic counselling [Br.]genetische Beratung {f}
med. genetic counselling [Br.]humangenetische Beratung {f}
biol. med. genetic defectGendefekt {m}
biol. med. genetic defectgenetischer Defekt {m}
biol. genetic determinantgenetische Determinante {f}
biochem. med. genetic diagnostics [treated as sg.]Gendiagnostik {f}
med. genetic diseaseErbkrankheit {f}
med. genetic disorderErbkrankheit {f}
med. genetic disorderGenkrankheit {f}
med. genetic disordergenetische Störung {f}
biol. genetic distancegenetische Distanz {f}
biol. genetic distancegenetischer Abstand {m}
biol. genetic diversitygenetische Vielfalt {f}
biol. genetic driftGendrift {f}
biol. genetic driftgenetische Drift {f}
genetic endowmentErbanlage {f}
genetic engineerGentechniker {m}
acad. genetic engineering <GE>Genmanipulation {f}
acad. biotech. genetic engineering <GE>Gentechnik {f}
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A 2017-12-06: genetic proximity
A 2017-12-05: The genetic proximity between English and German is: 30,8
A 2016-02-10: (genetic) variance underlying risk
Q 2016-02-10: (genetic) variance underlying risk
A 2015-03-12: "genetic ability to criticize and complain"
A 2012-03-18: "genetic panel"
A 2012-03-18: "genetic panel"
Q 2012-03-17: genetic panel
Q 2010-08-05: genetic pathways
A 2009-08-18: Genetic flaws - Part 2
Q 2009-08-17: Genetic flaws
A 2009-05-18: There is the genetic component, as well....
A 2009-05-14: the progress in genetic manipulation will be inevitable
A 2009-05-09: that has seared into my genetic makeup the idea that > die in mein Erbgut ...
A 2009-02-02: Nun, wenn "population genetics" klar ist, dann ist das Adjektiv eben "popu...
A 2008-06-03: baby which contained their own genetic material
Q 2008-04-15: Splicing genetic instructions
A 2007-12-18: Such genetic have hampered permitted to directions.
A 2007-07-17: Gentechnik = genetic engineering
Q 2006-11-25: genetic response?

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