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English-German translation for: geography teacher
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Dictionary English German: geography teacher

Translation 1 - 50 of 560  >>

NOUN   a geography teacher | geography teachers
educ. geogr. jobs geography teacherErdkundelehrer {m}
educ. geogr. jobs geography teacherGeografielehrer {m}
educ. geogr. jobs geography teacherGeographielehrer {m}
educ. geogr. jobs geography teacher [female]Erdkundelehrerin {f}
educ. geogr. jobs geography teacher [female]Geografielehrerin {f}
educ. geogr. jobs geography teacher [female]Geographielehrerin {f}
Partial Matches
geogr. geographyErdbeschreibung {f}
geogr. geographyErdkunde {f}
geogr. geographyGeografie {f}
acad. educ. geogr. geographyGeographie {f}
acad. agr. geogr. agricultural geographyAgrargeographie {f}
acad. geogr. zool. animal geographyTiergeographie {f}
acad. geogr. applied geographyLandeskunde {f}
acad. bot. ecol. botanical geographyPflanzengeographie {f}
geogr. colonial geographyKolonialgeografie {f}
geogr. colonial geographyKolonialgeographie {f}
acad. comm. geogr. commercial geographyWirtschaftsgeografie {f}
acad. geogr. cultural geographyKulturgeografie {f}
educ. geogr. cultural geographyKulturgeographie {f}
geogr. ling. sociol. dialect geographyDialektgeografie {f} [seltener für: Sprachgeografie]
geogr. ling. sociol. dialect geographyDialektgeographie {f} [seltener für: Sprachgeographie]
acad. educ. geogr. economic geographyWirtschaftsgeografie {f}
econ. educ. geogr. economic geographyWirtschaftsgeographie {f}
acad. ecol. hydro. environmental geographyUmweltgeographie {f}
geography bookErdkundebuch {n}
educ. geography lessons {pl}Erdkunde {f} [ugs.] [Erdkundeunterricht]
acad. geogr. human geographyHumangeografie {f}
acad. geogr. human geographyHumangeographie {f}
geogr. ling. sociol. language geographySprachgeografie {f}
geogr. ling. sociol. language geographySprachgeographie {f}
geogr. ling. sociol. linguistic geographySprachgeografie {f}
geogr. ling. sociol. linguistic geographySprachgeographie {f}
acad. geogr. phys. physical geographyphysikalische Geografie {f}
acad. geogr. phys. physical geographyPhysiogeografie {f}
geogr. physical geographyPhysiogeographie {f}
acad. geogr. physical geographyphysische Geographie {f} [auch: Physische Geographie]
acad. geogr. pol. political geographypolitische Geografie {f}
acad. geogr. pol. political geographypolitische Geographie {f}
geogr. population geographyBevölkerungsgeografie {f}
geogr. population geographyBevölkerungsgeographie {f}
regional geographyLänderkunde {f}
acad. geogr. settlement geographySiedlungsgeografie {f}
acad. geogr. settlement geographySiedlungsgeographie {f}
acad. geogr. sociol. social geographySozialgeographie {f}
agr. geogr. geol. soil geographyBodengeografie {f}
agr. geogr. geol. soil geographyBodengeographie {f} [Rsv.]
transport geographyVerkehrsgeographie {f}
acad. geogr. urban urban geographyGeographie {f} der Großstadt [Studiengangsbezeichnung]
urban geographyStadtgeographie {f}
geogr. ling. word geographyWortgeografie {f}
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