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English-German translation for: getting
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Dictionary English German: getting

Translation 1 - 50 of 173  >>

English German
NOUN   getting | gettings
VERB  to get | got | got/gotten [Am.]
getting | gets
SYNO   acquiring | getting
getting {adj} {pres-p}
getting {adj} {pres-p} [becoming]
getting {adj} {pres-p}
abkriegend [ugs.]
Erlangen {n}
Gewinn {m}
2 Words: Others
attention-getting {adj}aufsehenerregend
getting away {adj} {pres-p}davonkommend
getting back {pres-p} [reacquiring]wiederbekommend
getting bedsore {adj}wundliegend
getting caught {adj} {pres-p}hängenbleibend
getting caught {adj} {pres-p}hängen bleibend [alt]
getting dirtyschmutzend
getting drunk {adj} {pres-p}sich besaufend
getting entangled {adj} {pres-p}verheddernd
getting footsore {adj} {pres-p}wundlaufend
getting in {adj} {pres-p}einsteigend
getting muddled {adj} {pres-p}verhaspelnd
getting on {adj} {pres-p} [progressing]weiterkommend
getting open {adj} {pres-p}aufbekommend
getting out {adj} {pres-p}aussteigend
getting over sth. {pres-p}über etw. hinwegkommend
getting ready {adj} {pres-p}fertig machend
getting stuck {adj} {pres-p}festfahrend
getting through {adj} {pres-p} [coll.] [spending completely]durchbringend
getting together {adj} {pres-p}zusammenbekommend
getting up {adj} {pres-p}aufstehend
getting worse {adj} {pres-p}verschärfend
go-getting {adj}umtriebig [regional]
go-getting {adj} [coll.] [person]aufstrebend
go-getting {adj} [coll.]draufgängerisch
go-getting {adj} [coll.]einsatzfreudig
go-getting {adj} [coll.]tatkräftig
2 Words: Nouns
getting acquaintedKennenlernen {n}
med. getting bedsoresSichwundliegen {n}
getting startedEinstieg {m} [Beginn]
getting startederste Schritte {pl}
3 Words: Others
getting going again {adj} {pres-p}wieder flottmachend [ugs.]
getting hold of {pres-p}ergatternd [ugs.]
getting used to {adj} {pres-p}sich gewöhnend
gradually getting louder {adj} {pres-p} [postpos.]anschwellend [Lautstärke]
I'm getting plastered. [coll.]Ich saufe mir (gerade) einen an. [derb] [Ich betrinke mich.]
It's getting dark.Es wird dunkel.
meteo. It's getting foggy.Es nebelt sich ein.
It's getting late!Es ist schon spät!
meteo. It's getting misty.Es nebelt sich ein.
On getting home, [I] ...Als ich zu Hause ankam, ...
sb. is getting afraidjdm. wird angst und bange
3 Words: Verbs
to avoid getting involvedvermeiden einbezogen zu werden
to be getting at sb. [Br.] [coll.] [attacking sb. verbally or physically]auf jdn. losgehen [jdn. verbal od. tätlich angreifen]
to be getting at sth. [intending to express]auf etw.Akk. hinauswollen [ugs.]
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A 2023-03-29: You're all in my bad books and getting lumps of coal for Christmas
A 2023-01-31: Example of getting outvoted
A 2021-12-08: now, it's getting complicated ...
A 2020-08-16: What about getting hold of +Pure Xylene Paint Thinner+ ?
A 2020-03-04: the wish / desire for retaliation / getting back at s.b.
A 2019-05-28: They are getting ready to 'blackball' the Methodist ministers:
A 2019-04-30: The bloke plays a substantial role in getting ready for the German EU Coun...
A 2019-02-14: "Stuck on frobile, with my tongue getting blue" - could not find it anywhere!
A 2019-02-11: ... prefer "wrong for" to prevent it from getting back into the dict
A 2018-09-09: exhaustive > abschließend / erschöpfend / vollständig / (A) taxativ; ausfü...
A 2018-06-20: @BHM: What's the problem with getting one's own entries deleted?
A 2018-06-20: What's the problem with getting one's own entries deleted?
Q 2018-04-18: getting things (back) on track
Q 2018-03-05: at least I'm getting there
A 2017-09-29: She's always being polite ~ to the extent of getting on everybody's nerves
Q 2017-07-14: I'm coming/getting to it in a minute.
A 2017-05-07: Alternatives: Owning pet animals is getting more expensive. Or "Keeping ...."
A 2017-04-21: Getting ready for stress \ jouer avec le stress
Q 2017-02-09: We’re all getting a little big for this (AE)
A 2016-12-11: Catesse, Catesse, what are you getting up to?

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• Getting
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getting bedsore
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