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English-German translation for: giant
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Dictionary English German: giant

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ADJ   giant | more giant | most giant
NOUN   a giant | giants
giant {adj}
giant {adj}
Riese {m}
giant [also fig.]
Gigant {m} [auch fig.]
Hüne {m}
2 Words: Others
giant-sized {adj}riesengroß [ugs.]
giant-sized {adj}riesig
2 Words: Nouns
econ. ind. automobile giant [esp. Am.]Autoriese {m}
aviat. econ. aviation giantLuftfahrtgigant {m} [auch: Luftfahrt-Gigant]
aviat. econ. aviation giantLuftfahrtriese {m} [auch: Luftfahrt-Riese]
fin. banking giantGeldkonzern {m} [ugs.] [Finanzkonzern] [auch pej.]
astron. blue giantBlauer Riese {m}
automot. ind. car giantAutoriese {m}
chem. econ. ind. chemical giantChemiegigant {m}
chem. econ. ind. chemical giantChemieriese {m}
comp. econ. computer giantComputergigant {m}
comp. econ. computer giantComputerriese {m}
comp. econ. computing giantComputergigant {m}
comp. econ. computing giantComputerriese {m}
econ. corporate giantRiesenkonzern {m}
ind. pharm. drug giantPharmariese {m}
econ. ind. energy giantEnergieriese {m}
financial giantfinanzieller Riese {m}
FoodInd. food giant [fig.]Lebensmittelriese {m} [fig.] [Lebensmittelkonzern]
astron. gas giantGasplanet {m}
astron. gas giantGasriese {m}
gentle giantsanfter Riese {m}
geol. giant ammoniteRiesenammonit {m} [ugs.]
giant areaRiesenareal {n} [ugs.]
biol. giant axonRiesenaxon {n}
giant barrelRiesenfass {n}
art bibl. giant BibleRiesenbibel {f}
orn. giant birdRiesenvogel {m}
giant boobs [coll.]Riesendinger {pl} [ugs.] [sehr große Brüste]
giant boobs [coll.]Riesentitten {pl} [vulg.] [sehr große Brüste]
giant boobs [sl.]Riesenmöpse {pl} [derb] [sehr große Brüste]
astron. giant branch <GB>Riesenast {m}
giant bubbleRiesenseifenblase {f}
giant caskRiesenfass {n}
biol. giant cell <GC>Riesenzelle {f} <RZ>
biol. giant chromosomeRiesenchromosom {n}
urban giant cityRiesenstadt {f}
Unverified giant clip [metal or plastic paper clip]Aktenklammer {f} [große Büroklammer]
comm. giant concerns {pl} [gigantic business establishments]Riesenbetriebe {pl} [riesige Unternehmen]
giant dinosaurRiesensaurier {m}
giant flop [coll.]Riesenflop {m} [ugs.]
bot. hort. giant fruitRiesenfrucht {f}
astron. giant galaxyRiesengalaxie {f}
giant holeRiesenloch {n} [ugs.]
sports giant killerFavoritenschreck {m} [fig.]
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A 2018-02-09: A mite feeling two inches tall feels like a giant.
A 2017-02-21: Offenbar Ulrichs & des Verteidigers Klient > while this giant of a man, t...
A 2015-11-22: There was a huge / giant question mark on his face.
Q 2015-06-25: Giant wind turbines
A 2015-04-30: literary giant
Q 2015-04-02: literary giant
Q 2015-04-02: literary giant
A 2013-09-26: These giant footsteps I was supposed to follow/tread in...
Q 2011-12-16: Giant Squid Seen Near Goldman Sachs
Q 2010-10-14: heart and determination of a giant
A 2010-05-10: http://www.google.co.uk/images?um=1&hl=en&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=giant+draugh...
A 2010-05-10: http://www.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&q...
A 2010-05-10: http://www.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&q=giant%20chess%20set&um=1&ie=UTF-8&s...
A 2010-04-21: Nachsatz: "...GIANT, as it seems to be in the UK and pointed out by Joanne."
A 2010-04-20: Guys you got me on fire with your "doctors aren't selling" !!! They so mos...
A 2010-04-11: giant - whopper
A 2009-12-17: For fun: other 'giant swings'
A 2009-12-17: Correction (it's the uneven thing): +Umschwung (auf dem Stufenbarren) > gi...
A 2009-12-17: Perhaps: +Forward giant swing+ and +back giant swing+
A 2009-12-17: Bitte +Umschwung (auf dem Stufenbarren) > giant back swing+ in dict.cc eingeben.

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