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English-German translation for: gingerbread
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Dictionary English German: gingerbread

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NOUN   das Gingerbread | die Gingerbreads
gastr. gingerbread
Pfefferkuchen {m}
gastr. gingerbread [cake]
Lebkuchen {m}
gastr. gingerbread
Ingwerkuchen {m}
gastr. gingerbread
Ingwerbrot {n}
print gingerbread
Verzieren {n} [von Anfangsbuchstaben]
gastr. gingerbread
Gingerbread {n}
gastr. gingerbread
Lebzelten {m} [österr.] [bayer.] [veraltend]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. jobs gingerbread bakerLebkuchenbäcker {m}
jobs gingerbread bakerLebküchler {m} [Selbstbezeichnung von Bäckern, die sich auf Lebkuchen spezialisiert haben; ansonsten veraltet]
jobs gingerbread bakerLebküchner {m} [veraltet]
jobs gingerbread bakerLebzelter {m} [veraltend]
gastr. jobs gingerbread baker [female]Lebkuchenbäckerin {f}
gastr. gingerbread biscuitPfeffernuss {f}
gastr. gingerbread biscuitsPfeffernüsse {pl}
gingerbread cottagePfefferkuchenhaus {n}
gastr. gingerbread heartLebkuchenherz {n}
gastr. gingerbread heartsLebkuchenherzen {pl}
gastr. gingerbread horseHonigkuchenpferd {n}
gastr. gingerbread houseHexenhäuschen {n}
gastr. gingerbread houseKnusperhäuschen {n} [Lebkuchenhaus]
gastr. gingerbread houseLebkuchenhaus {n}
gingerbread housePfefferkuchenhaus {n}
gastr. gingerbread manLebkuchenmann {m}
gastr. Unverified gingerbread scrollZimtschnecke
gastr. gingerbread seasoningLebkuchengewürz {n}
archi. gingerbread styleZuckerbäckerstil {m}
gingerbread tinLebkuchendose {f}
gastr. Nuremberg gingerbreadNürnberger Lebkuchen {pl}
gastr. Torun gingerbreadThorner Honigkuchen {pl}
gastr. Torun gingerbreadThorner Kathrinchen {pl}
gastr. Torun gingerbreadThorner Pflastersteine {pl}
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. (Nuremburger) Elisen gingerbread(Nürnberger) Elisenlebkuchen {m}
gastr. gingerbread spice mixLebkuchengewürzmischung {f}
4 Words: Nouns
gastr. small frosted gingerbread cake [Am.]Weinbeißer {m} [österr.] [Lebkuchensorte]
gastr. small iced gingerbread cakeWeinbeißer {m} [österr.] [Lebkuchensorte]
5+ Words: Nouns
gastr. nine-spice mixture for gingerbreadNeunerlei {n} [Lebkuchen-Neunerlei, Gewürzmischung]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Gingerbread Girl [Stephen King]Das Pfefferkuchen-Mädchen
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. FoodInd. T
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Q 2024-06-15: Mal was Leckeres: die Uraltverwechslung von Gingerbread mit Lebkuchen/Pfef...
A 2018-11-18: Pfefferkuchen (gingerbread), Kokosmakronen, Vanillekipfel
A 2011-05-27: gingerbread (house) room / parlour etc.
A 2010-06-17: gingerbread, cream and treacle (seconding Joanne's guess)
A 2009-06-23: Gingerbread
A 2009-06-23: Gingerbread
A 2009-06-23: Gingerbread
Q 2009-06-22: ,...and took just a little of the gingerbread off the gilt-edged market ye...
Q 2009-05-03: For a moment the climber appeared pasted down on the wall like a gingerbre...
A 2008-02-27: Then tell them Gingerbread House if their native language is English...
A 2008-02-27: In Hansel and Gretel it's called a Gingerbread House
A 2003-10-24: Gingerbread horse

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