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English-German translation for: gladiatorial school
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Dictionary English German: gladiatorial school

Translation 1 - 50 of 1433  >>

NOUN   a gladiatorial school | gladiatorial schools
hist. gladiatorial schoolGladiatorenschule {f}
Partial Matches
gladiatorial {adj}gladiatorisch
gladiatorial {adj}kämpferisch
hist. gladiatorial combatGladiatorenkampf {m}
hist. gladiatorial combatsGladiatorenkämpfe {pl}
hist. gladiatorial contestGladiatur {f} [geh.]
hist. gladiatorial fightGladiatorenkampf {m}
hist. gladiatorial fightsGladiatorenkämpfe {pl}
hist. gladiatorial gamesGladiatorenspiele {pl}
archaeo. hist. gladiatorial monumentGladiatorenmonument {n}
fish to schooleinen Schwarm bilden
fish to schoolschwärmen
acad. educ. schoolFachbereich {m}
educ. schoolLehranstalt {f}
educ. schoolPenne {f} [ugs.] [veraltend] [(höhere) Schule]
educ. schoolSchule {f}
fish schoolSchule {f} [bes. von größeren Fischen wie bei Haien, Delphinen]
fish zool. schoolSchwarm {m}
school {adj} [attr.]Schul-
educ. school {adj} [attr.]schulisch [Bildung, Einrichtung]
admin. educ. to school sb.jdn. beschulen [geh.]
to school sb.jdn. erziehen
to school sb.jdn. lehren
educ. to school sb.jdn. schulen
archi. educ. school [building]Schulgebäude {n}
educ. school [reformatory]Erziehungsanstalt {f} [veraltet]
acad. the Schooldie Scholastik {f}
after school {adv}nach der Schule
after-school {adj}nachschulisch
at school {adv}auf der Schule [in der Schule]
at school {adv}in der Schule
at school {adv}schulisch [in der Schule]
educ. before school {adv}vor dem Unterricht
before school {adv}vor der Schule [vor dem Unterricht]
extra-school {adj}außerschulisch
off school {adj}schulfrei
old-school {adj}alter Schule [nachgestellt]
old-school {adj}althergebracht
old-school {adj}oldschool [klassisch, altmodisch]
educ. school-based {adj}schulisch
educ. school-like {adj}verschult [pej.]
educ. school-wide {adj}schulweit
educ. to attend schoolam Unterricht teilnehmen
educ. to attend schoolden Unterricht besuchen
educ. to attend schooldie / eine Schule besuchen
educ. to attend schoolzur Schule gehen
to leave schoolmit der Schule fertig sein
educ. to leave schoolvon der Schule abgehen
games to play schoolSchule spielen
educ. to skip schoolSchul stageln [österr.] [regional] [Schule schwänzen]
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