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English-German translation for: glass
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Dictionary English German: glass

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NOUN1   a glass | glasses
NOUN2   glass [substance] | -
VERB  to glass | glassed | glassed ... 
SYNO   field glass | glass | spyglass ... 
glass {adj} [attr.]
glass {adj}
glass {adj}
glass {adj} [attr.]aus Glas [nachgestellt]
to glass sb. [coll.]
[jdn. mit einem zerbrochenen Gegenstand aus Glas vorsätzlich verletzen]
to glass sb. [coll.] [Br.]jdn. mit einem Glas attackieren [Glasflasche, Trinkglas]
to glass sth. [to scan with binoculars, esp. one's surroundings in hunting]etw. durchs Fernglas beobachten [bes. die Umgebung bei der Jagd]
to glass sth. [to scan with binoculars, esp. one's surroundings in hunting]etw. mit dem Fernglas beobachten [bes. die Umgebung bei der Jagd]
glass2 [substance]
Glas {n} [Material]
glass [drinking glass; sort of glass]
Glas {n} [Trinkglas; Glassorte]
glass1 [champagne glass]
Kelch {m} [Sektkelch]
2 Words: Others
all-glass {adj} [attr.]vollverglast
behind glass {adv}hinter Glas
behind glass {adv}unter Glas
cut-glass {adj} [attr.]aus geschliffenem Glas [nachgestellt]
transp. Glass - Fragile!Glas - zerbrechlich!
material glass-ceramic {adj} [attr.]Glaskeramik-
tech. glass-clear {adj}glasklar
material glass-containing {adj}glashaltig
glass-covered {adj}glasüberdacht
archi. glass-enclosed {adj}glasumschlossen
glass-roofed {adj}glasüberdacht
med. ground-glass {adj} [attr.]mattglasartig
med. ground-glass {adj} [attr.]milchglasähnlich
med. ground-glass {adj} [attr.]milchglasartig
like glass {adj} [postpos.]spiegelglatt
looking-glass {adj} [attr.]verkehrt [wie in: verkehrte Welt] [fig.: auf dem Kopf stehend]
of glass {adj} [postpos.]gläsern
under glass {adv}unter Glas
2 Words: Verbs
to blow glassGlas blasen
to cut glassGlas schleifen
to glass sth. inetw.Akk. einglasen [regional] [hinter / unter Glas verschließen]
gastr. to refill sb.'s glassjdm. nachschenken
to replenish sb.'s glassjdm. nachschenken
to scratch glassGlas einritzen
2 Words: Nouns
mus. (glass) armonicaGlasharmonika {f}
chem. pharm. (glass) flaskGlaskolben {m} [Laborgerät]
(little) glassGläschen {n} [kleines Trinkglas]
gastr. absinthe glassAbsinthglas {n}
acrylic glassAcrylglas {n}
acrylic glassPlexiglas® {n}
alabaster glassMilchglas {n}
amber glassBraunglas {n}
archi. constr. architectural glassArchitekturglas {n}
armoured glass [Br.]Drahtglas {n}
armoured glass [Br.]Panzerglas {n}
balloon glassKognakglas {n}
gastr. balloon glassKognakschwenker {m}
beer glassBierglas {n}
big glassPitsche {f} [österr.] [ugs.] [großes Glas]
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Q 2020-04-15: sack glass vs. cordial glass
Q 2019-05-12: virgin glass containers
A 2019-03-03: Schau mal hier: https://www.google.de/search?source=hp&ei=yzx8XLvhDpCy0gWq...
A 2019-03-03: Wäre Mattglas nicht eher "opaque glass"?
Q 2019-03-03: obscure glass
Q 2018-12-27: Glass / Pyrex baking pan / dish
Q 2018-11-28: frameless glass partitions
A 2018-11-26: should be e.g. a wooden or glass dog sculpture whose mouth served as a dec...
A 2018-10-29: Anmerkung: Der Mann mit der eisernen Maske (1922), Regie Max Glass
A 2017-02-12: Quarter glass is not even half empty
Q 2016-09-02: Take off the front attachment with glass insert (LED lights shine) and hol...
A 2015-07-27: (convex) clock glass, 170mm (outer) diameter and 22mm doming height
A 2015-07-20: glass construction
A 2015-03-28: Please feed +Weißglas (Altglas) > clear glass (bottle bank)+ into dict.cc
A 2015-03-28: AE (glass) recycling center
A 2015-03-27: +bottle bank+ (19:32) or (of late) +glass bank+
A 2015-03-27: Do you mean where each person takes their glass rubbish to throw away,
A 2015-02-17: whole sheets of glass
A 2015-01-01: glass tree ornaments
A 2014-10-29: oder: glass panels with a satin coating

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