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English-German translation for: glaze sth.
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Dictionary English German: glaze sth

Translation 1 - 50 of 40729  >>

Keywords contained
gastr. to glaze sth.etw. glacieren
to glaze sth.etw. lasieren
gastr. to glaze sth.etw. überglänzen [glacieren]
to glaze sth. [window, veranda etc.]etw. verglasen [Fenster, Veranda etc.]
gastr. to glaze sth. with apricot jametw. aprikotieren [fachspr.]
Partial Matches
to glazeappretieren
to glazeglasieren
glazeGlasur {f} [Keramik]
meteo. glazeGlatteis {n}
gastr. glazeGuss {m} [durchsichtig]
glazeLasur {f}
glazeSchmelz {m} [Glasur]
gastr. glazeTortenguß {m} [alt]
material glaze-like {adj}glasurartig
art glaze-like {adj}lasurartig
to glaze overglasig werden [Augen]
to glaze overtrüb werden [Augen]
to raw-glazerohglasieren
gastr. apricot glazeAprikosenglasur {f}
gastr. apricot glazeAprikosensauce {f} [als Glasur]
aventurine glazeAventurin-Glasur {f} [auch: Aventuringlasur]
gastr. cake glazeKuchenglasur {f}
celadon glazeSeladonglasur {f}
gastr. chocolate glazeSchokoladenkuvertüre {f}
crystalline glazeKristallglasur {f}
feldspathic glazeFeldspatglasur {f}
flaked glazeflockige Glasur {f}
Galena glazeBleiglasur {f} [roh, ungefrittet]
chem. glaze chemistryGlasurchemie {f}
glaze crusherGlasurmühle {f}
glaze firingGlasurbrand {m}
glaze formulaGlasurversatz {m}
glaze formulationGlasurenentwicklung {f}
glaze recipeGlasurrezept {n}
gastr. honey glazeHonigglasur {f}
material iron glazeEisenglasur {f}
lead glazeBleiglasur {f}
gastr. lemon glazeZitronenglasur {f}
cosmet. lip glazeLipgloss {n}
matt glazeMattglasur {f}
opacified glazegetrübte Glasur {f}
salt glazeSalzglasur {f} [Keramik]
shino glazeweiße japanische Glasur {f}
shiny glazeglänzende Glasur {f}
slip glazeLehmglasur {f}
soda glazeSodaglasur {f}
stoneware glazeSteinzeugglasur {f}
gastr. sugar glazeZuckerglasur {f}
tenmoku glazeTemmoku-Glasur {f}
tin glazeZinnglasur {f}
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