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English-German translation for: goal line decision system
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: goal line decision system

Translation 1 - 50 of 7314  >>

electr. sports goal-line decision systemTorentscheidungssystem {n}
Partial Matches
sports goal decision system <GDS> [football / soccer]Torliniensystem {n} [Fußball]
sports goal line technology system [football / soccer]Torlinientechniksystem {n} [Fußball]
sports goal lineTorlinie {f}
sports goal line refereeTorrichter {m}
sports goal-line technologyTorlinientechnik {f}
sports goal-line technologyTorlinientechnologie {f}
system goalSystemziel {n}
sports behind the goal line {adv} [football]im Toraus
sports goal area line [esp. football / soccer]Torraumlinie {f} [bes. Fußball]
tech. system decisionSystementscheidung {f}
comp. decision support system <DSS>Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem {n} <EUS>
line systemLiniensystem {n}
fish lateral line systemSeitenliniensystem {n}
econ. multiple line systemMehrliniensystem {n} [Organisationstheorie]
off-line systemOff-Line-System {n}
on-line systemOnline-System {n}
radial line systemSternleitungssystem {n}
econ. single-line systemEinliniensystem {n} [Organisationstheorie]
Internet on-line query systemOnline-Abfragesystem {n}
telecom. power line communication <PLC> systemTrägerfrequenzanlage {f} <TFA>
sports offensive line <O-line, OL> [American Football]O-Linie {f} <OL> [Offensive Line] [American Football]
mil. distant early warning line <DEW line>Distant Early Warning Line {f} <DEW-Line> [Kette von Radarstationen entlang der US-amerik. und kanadischen Arktis]
comp. line-by-line scanningzeilenweise Abtastung {f}
med. tech. first-line service <1st line service> [also: first line service]First-Line-Service {m}
tech. flue gas cleanup system <FGC system> [for burners and furnaces]Abgasreinigungsanlage {f} [für Brenner und Öfen]
electr. high-voltage direct current (electric power) transmission system <HVDC system>Hochspannungs-Gleichstrom-Übertragungsanlage {f} <HGÜ-Anlage>
electr. high-voltage direct current (electric power) transmission system <HVDC system>Hochspannungsgleichstromübertragungsanlage {f} <HGÜ-Anlage>
engin. tech. lockout / tagout system <Lo-To / LOTO system>Lockout- / Tagout-System {n} [Blockier- und Verriegelungssystem]
automot. whiplash injury lessening system® <WIL system> [Toyota]Schleudertraumaschutzsystem {n}
comp. econ. QM production planning and control system <PPC system>Produktionsplanungs- und Steuerungssystem {n} <PPS-System>
MedTech. overtable fluoroscopy system <OT fluoroscopy system>Obertisch-Durchleuchtungssystem {n} <OT-Durchleuchtungssystem>
MedTech. undertable fluoroscopy system <UT fluoroscopy system>Untertisch-Durchleuchtungssystem {n} <UT-Durchleuchtungssystem>
comm. electronic article surveillance system <EAS system>elektronisches Artikelsicherungssystem {n} <EAS>
econ. enterprise resource planning system <ERP system>ERP-System {n}
biol. human leukocyte antigen system <HLA system>humanes Leukozyten-Antigen-System {n} <HLA-System>
automot. hydraulic hybrid vehicle system <HHV system>hydraulisches Hybridantriebssystem {n} [auch: hydraulisches Hybrid-Antriebssystem]
electr. infinite impulse response system <IIR system>IIR-System {n}
comp. telecom. interactive voice response system <IVR system>IVR-System {n} [Sprachdialogsystem]
comp. math. linear time-invariant system <LTI system>lineares zeitinvariantes System {n} <LZI-System>
MedTech. magnetic resonance imaging system <MRI system>Magnetresonanztomograf {m} <MRT>
MedTech. magnetic resonance imaging system <MRI system>Magnetresonanztomograph {m} <MRT>
automot. on-board diagnosis system <OBD system>On-Board-Diagnose-System {n} <OBD-System>
electr. pulse code modulation system <PCM system>Puls-Code-Modulationssystem {n} <PCM-System>
automot. trailer stability assist system <TSA system>Anhängerstabilisierungssystem {n} [auch: Anhänger-Stabilisierungssystem]
biochem. yeast two-hybrid system <Y2H system>Hefe-Zwei-Hybrid-System {n} <H2H-System>
goalEndpunkt {m} [Ziel]
sports goalGoal {n} [österr.] [schweiz.]
philos. goalProgrammatik {f}
goalSachziel {n}
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