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English-German translation for: got
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Dictionary English German: got

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VERB1  to get | got | got/gotten [Am.] ... 
VERB2  to get ready | got ready | got/gotten [Am.] ready ... 
got {past-p} [Br.]
sb. got
jd. bekam
got {past-p}
gekriegt [ugs.] [bekommen, erhalten]
[we/they/you] got [Am.]
[wir/sie/Sie] haben
got {past-p}
sb. got
jd. kriegte [ugs.]
Gothic {adj}
gotisch <got.>
sb. got [received]
jd. erhielt
got {past-p}
abgekriegt [ugs.]
sb. gotjd. bekam ab
2 Words: Others
[we/they/you] ain't got sth. [nonstandard] [haven't got sth.] [e.g. we ain't got milk][wir/sie/Sie] haben etw.Akk. nicht [besitzen]
[you] ain't got [nonstandard][du] hast nicht [besitzen]
[you] ain't got [nonstandard][ihr] habt nicht [besitzen]
because sb. gotweil jd. abbekam
got about {past-p}herumgesprochen
got away {past-p}davongekommen
got back {past-p}wiederbekommen
got broken {past-p}kaputtgegangen
got caught {past-p}hängengeblieben [alt]
got caught {past-p}hängen geblieben
got down {past-p}untergekriegt
got dusty {past-p}verstaubt
got entangled {past-p}verheddert [ugs.]
got footsore {past-p}wundgelaufen
Got her? [coll.]Hast du sie verstanden?
Got him?Hast du ihn verstanden?
got in {past-p}eingestiegen
got into sth. {past-p} [panic etc.]in etw.Akk. geraten [Panik etc.]
Got it? [coll.]Kapiert? [ugs.]
Got it? [coll.]Kapische? [ugs.]
Got it? [coll.]Kapito? [ugs.]
Got it? [coll.]Schnallst du's? [ugs.]
Got it? [sl.] [Understood?]Capito? [salopp] [Verstanden?]
Got it. [coll.]Jetzt hab' ich es. [ugs.]
Got it. [coll.]Jetzt kapier' ich es. [ugs.]
Got it. [coll.]Jetzt schnall' ich es. [ugs.]
Got it. [coll.] [I understand.]Alles klar.
got lost {past-p}abhandengekommen
got lost {past-p}verlorengegangen
got on {past-p} [progressed]weitergekommen
got open {past-p}aufbekommen
got out {past-p}ausgestiegen
got over {past-p}hinweggekommen
got over {past-p} [overcome]verwunden [geh.] [überwunden]
got ready {past-p}fertig gemacht
got stuck {past-p}festgefahren
Got that?Verstanden?
got there {past-p} [Br.] [by chance]hingeraten
got together {past-p} [met up]sich zusammengetan
got up {past-p}aufgestanden
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A 2024-01-31: We'll get back (???) later … we need a doctor … we got somebody down
A 2023-11-06: Got it! ;)
A 2023-04-16: I just googled the same in "" and got 188,000 results, including one from ...
A 2022-03-28: Didn't see your edit, RedRufus. You got it.
Q 2021-11-11: She always got her man.
A 2021-06-14: @OED: "verstanden aber nicht verwendet" --> got it. thanks.
Q 2020-11-25: I got my dog nine month into my recovery
A 2020-07-22: Yes, Michael, you have got it right
A 2020-01-15: You have got a good memory, Lllama!
A 2019-10-28: Got it - thanks for your help
A 2019-09-06: he got the army / troops on the move
A 2019-08-27: Ok, got it. Thks a lot, Windfall.
A 2019-05-14: Many thanks Sasso and Lllama. I got it now.
A 2019-03-12: ups, too late ..... Lllama got a lot
Q 2019-02-21: We got pregnant
A 2019-01-09: They got intimate with each other that night, but they didn't tell anyone.
Q 2018-12-09: have got
A 2018-11-25: Ah, got it! Thanks.
A 2018-11-20: All of them with itchy trigger fingers. Got it?
A 2018-07-21: "got to watch?" = "Wir müssen aufpassen."

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