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Dictionary English German: government

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NOUN   a government | governments
SYNO   administration | governance ... 
government {adj}
government {adj}
government {adj}
öffentlich [staatlich]
pol. government <govt., gov't, gov.>
Regierung {f} <Reg.>
pol. government
Landesregierung {f} [Regierung eines Landes, Staats]
pol. government [authorities]
Obrigkeit {f}
pol. government [the executive powers]
Staat {m} [ugs.] [die Regierung, die Exekutive]
admin. hist. government
Gouvernement {n} [veraltet]
government [regulation, direction]
Leitung {f}
Führung {f} [auch Geschäftsführung]
pol. government
Staatsführung {f}
ling. government
Rektion {f}
2 Words: Others
pol. anti-government {adj}regimefeindlich
pol. anti-government {adj} [attr.]regierungsfeindlich
government controlled {adj}staatlich gelenkt
government issue {adj} <GI>von der Regierung ausgegeben
government-affiliated {adj}der Regierung nahestehend
government-controlled {adj}(von der Regierung) gelenkt
government-controlled {adj}von der Regierung kontrolliert
pol. government-critical {adj}regierungskritisch
government-financed {adj}öffentlich finanziert
government-financed {adj}durch Steuergelder finanziert
government-funded {adj}staatlich gefördert
government-issued {adj}amtlich [von einer staatlichen Stelle ausgestellt]
government-owned {adj}regierungseigen
government-owned {adj}staatseigen
government-owned {adj}in Staatsbesitz [nachgestellt]
government-run {adj} [television, newspaper etc.]staatlich
government-sponsored {adj}staatlich gefördert
government-subsidized {adj} {past-p}staatlich subventioniert
government's own {adj}regierungseigen
pol. in government {adv}an der Regierung
pol. local government {adj}kommunal
pro-government {adj}regierungsfreundlich
pol. pro-government {adj}regierungsnah [z. B. Zeitung]
2 Words: Nouns
admin. pol. (government) departmentDepartement {n} [schweiz.] [Ministerium]
fin. pol. (government) revenue {sg}Staatseinnahmen {pl}
hist. pol. apartheid governmentApartheidregierung {f} [auch: Apartheid-Regierung]
hist. pol. apartheid governmentApartheidsregierung {f}
arbitrary governmentWillkürherrschaft {f}
aristocratic governmentaristokratische Regierung {f}
pol. authoritarian governmentautoritäre Regierung {f}
bureaucratic governmentbürokratische Regelung {f}
pol. cabinet governmentKabinettsregierung {f}
pol. cantonal governmentKantonsregierung {f}
pol. caretaker governmentInterimsregierung {f}
pol. caretaker governmentÜbergangsregierung {f}
pol. central governmentZentralgewalt {f} [Zentralregierung]
central governmentZentralregierung {f}
pol. central governmentZentralverwaltung {f} [Behörde]
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A 2021-10-16: @polarjud: By government decree, the Duden is the authority on German-lang...
A 2020-06-24: The Austrian government site uses Klasse:
A 2019-03-13: E-Government-Dienste
A 2019-03-13: the government has finally *ambled slowly into action*
Q 2018-06-28: government dock
Q 2018-06-21: to resign from government over sth.
A 2017-07-23: PS: Government in the State of Nevada
A 2017-06-02: "vermögenswirksame Leistungen" are part of a government-sponsored scheme (...
A 2016-04-25: Not only government. Any office or workplace, also the carer in homes, hos...
A 2015-11-12: ... socialist minority government, tolerated by the Communists, did not go...
A 2015-09-21: The first government the Weimar coalition sustained by its broad parliamen...
A 2015-09-20: it came to an interim government of three "People's Deputies" each from ...
Q 2015-07-13: not everyone in Germany agrees with the Government's policy on Greece..
A 2015-06-05: +in government+ heißt hier, dass EB Teil der Regierungsmehrheit im Unterha...
Q 2015-06-05: in government/out of government?
A 2015-02-25: Note of caution - +government+ stands for the federal or state executive b...
A 2015-02-25: "Obama administration" generally refers to the executive branch of the gov...
A 2015-02-25: government [the executive power] - Staat ?
Q 2015-02-25: government / Staat {m}
A 2014-12-06: Not sure there's any heightening. They're just suckling on the U.S. govern...

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