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Dictionary English German: grace

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NOUN1   grace | -
NOUN2   a grace | graces
VERB  to grace | graced | graced ... 
SYNO   grace | saving grace | state of grace ... 
to grace
zieren [fig.]
to grace [adorn]
to grace sth. [honour sth.]sichDat. (bei etw.Dat.) die Ehre geben [Redewendung]
grace [mercy]
Gnade {f}
grace [gracefulness]
Anmut {f}
grace [gracefulness]
Grazie {f}
grace [decency]
Anstand {m}
grace [goodwill, benevolence]
Gunst {f}
law grace
Gnadenfrist {f}
relig. grace [before or after meals]
Tischgebet {n}
grace [gracefulness]
Liebreiz {m}
law grace
Nachfrist {f}
grace [of a king, lady etc.]
Huld {f} [veraltet, noch ironisch] [geh.]
fin. grace [respite: for payment]
Zahlungsfrist {f}
relig. graceGratias {n}
2 Words: Others
relig. by grace {adv}gnadenhaft
with grace {adv}anmutig
with grace {adv} [gracefulness]mit Anmut
Your GraceDero Gnaden [veraltet]
2 Words: Verbs
relig. to say gracedas Tischgebet sprechen
2 Words: Nouns
relig. actual grace [from: gratia actualis]helfende Gnade {f}
mus. Amazing Grace[staunenswerte Gnade]
artless gracenatürliche Anmut {f}
relig. divine gracegöttliche Gnade {f}
good graceAnstand {m}
mus. grace noteVorhalt {m}
mus. grace noteVorschlag {m}
mus. grace noteVorschlagsnote {f}
mus. grace note [after another note]Nachschlag {m} [verzierender Ton]
fin. law grace periodFrist {f} [begrenzter Aufschub]
grace periodGnadenfrist {f}
law grace periodNachfrist {f}
grace periodSchonfrist {f}
fin. stocks grace periodtilgungsfreie Zeit {f}
relig. healing graceHeilsgnade {f}
relig. sanctifying graceheiligmachende Gnade {f}
saving graceRettung {f} [oft fig.]
saving grace [redeeming feature]rettendes Element {n} [Qualität, Charakteristikum]
3 Words: Others
relig. founded on grace {adj}gnadenhaft
3 Words: Verbs
to fall from grace [idiom]abstürzen [ugs.] [fig.] [einen Misserfolg haben]
3 Words: Nouns
(period of) graceSchonfrist {f}
a week's graceeine Woche Aufschub {m}
law act of graceAmnestie {f}
law act of graceGnadenakt {m}
law act of graceGnadenerweis {m}
law act of graceStraferlass {m}
archi. relig. Chapel of GraceGnadenkapelle {f}
archi. hist. relig. Churches of Grace [built for Silesian Protestants]Gnadenkirchen {pl}
hunting coup de grâceFangschuss {m}
coup de grâceGnadenschuss {m}
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A 2023-03-20: Val de Grâce, Paris
A 2023-03-20: Oddly enough, French +grace+ is nowadays spelt +grâce.+
A 2021-10-19: Agree with MK's reference to a person who +ends up+ encountering divine grace
A 2019-03-15: Grâce à l'espace ! ...
A 2018-06-13: http://www.dict.cc/?s=Amazing+Grace
A 2018-06-13: amazing grace
Q 2018-06-13: amaizing grace
A 2017-11-27: During a real cold spell, icicles in all shades of yellow grace the pipes ...
A 2017-06-14: divine grace
Q 2017-03-24: grace
Q 2016-05-04: Die beste Übersetzung für "grace for grace"
A 2016-04-15: sans sortir du cash grace a un systeme de compensation de creances a doubl...
A 2016-04-15: sans sortir du cash grace a un systeme de compensation de creances a doubl...
Q 2016-04-15: sans sortir du cash grace a un systeme de compensation de creances a doubl...
Q 2015-05-17: "Grace Seconds"
Q 2014-04-25: grace-driven …
Q 2012-11-06: Although nature struggles, grace must submit
A 2012-08-08: Sorry, my suggestion was only about the "under the grace of God."
A 2012-08-08: "under the grace of God" quickly spoken. Also: 'concerneD'
Q 2012-08-08: Hörproblem? ...under grace for the highest good of all concerns.

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