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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: graduales Studium
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: graduales Studium

Translation 1 - 45 of 45

educ. graduate education [Am.]graduales Studium {n}
Partial Matches
educ. course of studiesStudium {n}
educ. degree courseStudium {n}
scholasticsStudium {n}
educ. studies {pl}Studium {n}
acad. educ. studyStudium {n}
educ. studyingStudium {n}
educ. completed studies {pl}abgeschlossenes Studium {n}
close studyangestrengtes Studium {n}
educ. integrated degree program [Am.]duales Studium {n}
comp. jobs computer science studiesInformatik-Studium {n}
concentrated studyintensives Studium {n}
intense studyintensives Studium {n}
educ. med. study of medicinemedizinisches Studium {n}
lucubrationmühsames Studium {n}
educ. postgraduate coursepostgraduales Studium {n}
educ. postgraduate education [Am.]postgraduales Studium {n}
educ. extracurricular studies {pl}Studium Generale {n}
deep studytiefgehendes Studium {n}
congenial studyzusagendes Studium {n}
acad. with a degree {adv} [College or University degree]mit abgeschlossenem Studium
after a lot of studying {adv}nach eingehendem Studium
educ. accepted for a course of study {adj}zum Studium zugelassen
educ. to take up one's studiesdas Studium aufnehmen
educ. to begin a studyein Studium anfangen
educ. to drop out of college [Am.]sein Studium abbrechen
educ. to finish one's degreesein Studium absolvieren
to abandon one's studiessein Studium aufgeben
educ. to continue one's studiessein Studium fortsetzen
acad. lit. storiologyStudium {n} der Volksliteratur
educ. post-graduate {adj}nach beendetem Studium [nachgestellt]
educ. to begin one's studiesmit dem Studium anfangen
to work alongside one's studiesneben dem Studium arbeiten
acad. educ. lit. studies {pl} of English literatureStudium {n} der englischen Literatur
educ. undergraduate studies [in Germany and Austria]grundständiges Studium {n} [mit Abschluss Bachelor]
educ. to drop out of collegedas / sein Studium hinschmeißen [ugs.]
acad. educ. to apply oneself to studysichAkk. dem Studium widmen
acad. educ. to apply oneself to studysichAkk. dem Studium zuwenden
educ. to complete one's studiessein Studium zu Ende bringen
certain hours set apart for studygewisse zum Studium bestimmte Stunden {pl}
absorbed in the study of physics {adj}vertieft in das Studium der Physik
educ. to graduate [in a subject] from [location, university, college]sein Studium [eines Faches] in [Ort] abschließen
educ. [traditional course of studies with no separate undergraduate and graduate levels]grundständiges Studium {n} [mit Abschluss Diplom, Magister oder Staatsexamen]
educ. to drop universitydas / sein Studium schmeißen [ugs.] [das Universitätsstudium aufgeben]
mus. quote The study of women is difficult.Das Studium der Weiber ist schwer. [ugs., hum.] [Aus "Die lustige Witwe" v. Franz Lehár]
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