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English-German translation for: grains of salt
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Dictionary English German: grains of salt

Translation 1 - 50 of 64575  >>

NOUN   a grain of salt | grains of salt
grains of saltSalzkörner {pl}
Partial Matches
bot. grains of pollenBlütenstaubkörner {pl}
grains of riceReiskörner {pl}
grains of sandSandkörner {pl}
grains of shotSchrotkörner {pl}
types of grainsGetreidearten {pl}
bot. FoodInd. T
grainsKörner {pl}
tech. bentonit grainsBentonitkörner {pl}
gastr. kefir grainsKefirknollen {pl} [Kefirkörner]
gastr. kefir grainsKefirkörner {pl}
bot. pollen grainsPollenkörner {pl}
sand grainsSandkörner {pl}
winter grainsWintersaaten {pl}
brew brewer's grainsBiertreber {pl} [wird heute auch als Sg. verwendet, was lt. Duden etc. falsch ist]
meteo. snow grains {pl} <SG>Schneegriesel {m}
malt spent grainsBiertreber {m}
bot. unripe spelt grains {pl}Grünkern {m}
agr. archaeo. bot. wild cereal grains {pl}Wildgetreide {n}
gastr. material amount of saltSalzmenge {f}
chem. geol. concentration of saltSalzkonzentration {f}
crust of saltSalzkruste {f}
gastr. dash of saltPrise {f} Salz
grain of saltSalzkorn {n}
pillar of saltSalzsäule {f}
gastr. pinch of saltPrise {f} Salz
chem. polarity of saltSalzpolarität {f}
gastr. material quantity of saltSalzmenge {f}
touch of saltPrise {f} Salz
brew brewer's spent grainsTreber {pl}
brew to remove (the) spent grainsaustrebern
bot. T
chem. hist. spirit of salt [archaic]Salzgeist {m} [veraltet]
It tastes of salt.Es schmeckt nach Salz.
FoodInd. med. fluoridation of table saltKochsalzfluoridierung {f}
FoodInd. med. fluoridation of table saltSpeisesalzfluoridierung {f}
chem. salt of telluric acidtellursaures Salz {n}
gastr. salt of the hartshornHirschhornsalz {n}
grains [granules, e.g. salt]Körnchen {pl} [z. B. Salz]
jobs mining assessor of the salt minesSalinenassessor {m} [veraltet]
solution of salt in waterLösung {f} von Salz in Wasser
agr. distillers dried grains with solubles <DDGS>Trockenschlempe {f}
with a grain of salt {adv} [idiom]mit einer Prise Salz [Redewendung]
with a pinch of salt {adv} [idiom]mit Vorsicht
the salt of the earth [idiom]das Salz {n} der Erde [Redewendung]
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
(taken) with a grain of salt {adv} [idiom]cum grano salis [geh.] [Redewendung] [mit Vorbehalt, nicht ganz wörtlich zu nehmen]
idiom Take it with a pinch of salt!Nimm’s nicht ganz so wörtlich!
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