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English-German translation for: gram
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Dictionary English German: gram

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NOUN1   gram | -
NOUN2   a gram | grams
SYNO   Gram | Hans C. J. Gram | g | gm ... 
ADJ   gram [indekl.; nur prädikativ: »jdm. gram sein«]
NOUN   der Gram | -
SYNO   Gram | Kummer | Trauer
unit gram <g>
Gramm {n} <g>
Gram {m} [geh.]
Gram {m} [geh.]
Gram {m} [geh.]
2 Words: Others
biochem. gram-indeterminate {adj}gramunbestimmt
biochem. gram-negative {adj}gramnegativ
biochem. gram-positive {adj}grampositiv
biochem. gram-variable {adj}gramvariabel
2 Words: Verbs
to pine awaysichAkk. vor Gram verzehren [geh.]
2 Words: Nouns
phys. gram atom [Am.] [archaic]Grammatom {n} [veraltet]
math. Gram determinant <GD> [also: Gram's determinant]Gram'sche Determinante {f}
FoodInd. gastr. gram flourKichererbsenmehl {n}
math. Gram matrix <GM> [also: Gram's matrix]Gram-Matrix {f} <GM>
chem. unit gram molecule [mole]Mol {n} <mol>
biol. Gram stainGram-Färbung {f} [auch: Gramfärbung]
phys. unit gram-force <gf> [dated]Pond {n} <p> [veraltet]
math. Gramian (matrix) <GM>Gram'sche Matrix {f} <GM>
math. Gramian determinant <GD>Gram'sche Determinante {f}
3 Words: Others
riven by grief {adj} {past-p} [idiom]von Gram zerfressen [geh.] [Redewendung]
3 Words: Verbs
to bear sb. ill willjdm. gram sein [geh.]
idiom to burst with griefvor Gram vergehen [geh.]
3 Words: Nouns
unit of gramGrammeinheit {f}
4 Words: Verbs
to bear a grudge against sb.jdm. gram sein [geh.]
4 Words: Nouns
phys. unit centimetre-gram-second unit <CGS unit, cgs unit> [Br.] [CSG system of units]CGS-System {n} [auch: cgs-System]
biotech. gram-positive anaerobic spectrumgrampositives anaerobes Spektrum {n}
5+ Words: Others
bowed down with grief / sorrowvom / von Gram gebeugt [geh.]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. FoodInd. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
agr. bot. FoodInd. T
agr. bot. FoodInd. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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A 2011-01-07: g/t = gram per ton
Q 2010-04-29: gram pulse flour
A 2010-04-29: Maybe a typo "gram flour noodles" - Nudeln aus Kichererbsenmehl?
Q 2010-04-29: gram floor noodles
Q 2009-05-17: Split Gram Peas
Q 2008-08-08: Bitte um einleuchtende Erklärung: den Nagel auf deN Kopf treffen - gestern...
A 2006-08-08: http://www2.dict.cc/?s=bengal+gram
Q 2006-06-26: Laugh-O-Gram Film
A 2005-06-15: (presentation) trays with the mushies inside 250 gram punnets
A 2004-03-05: Nan, Nana, Gran, Granny, Grandma (US), Gramma (US) Gram (US)

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