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English-German translation for: grapes
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Dictionary English German: grapes

Translation 1 - 45 of 45

English German
NOUN   a grape | grapes
gastr. oenol. grapes
Weinbeeren {pl}
gastr. oenol. grapes
Weintrauben {pl}
VetMed. grapes [in horses]Mauke {f} [Pferdeerkrankung]
oenol. grapes {pl}Rebgut {n} [Trauben]
VetMed. grapes {pl} [treated as sg.] [in cattle]Perlsucht {f}
2 Words: Verbs
oenol. to harvest (grapes)(Wein) lesen
to press grapesTrauben pressen
to tread grapesTrauben stampfen [mit den Füßen]
2 Words: Nouns
oenol. August grapesAugusttrauben {pl}
oenol. black grapesblaue Trauben {pl}
bot. oenol. blue grapesblaue Trauben {pl}
bot. oenol. blue grapesblaue Weintrauben {pl}
oenol. botrytized grapes [with noble rot on the grapes]edelfaule Beeren {pl}
oenol. botrytized grapes [with noble rot on the grapes]edelfaule Trauben {pl}
agr. bot. oenol. red grapesrote Trauben {pl}
bot. oenol. red grapesrote Weintrauben {pl}
gastr. oenol. seedless grapeskernlose Trauben {pl}
quote sour grapes [also fig.]saure Trauben {pl} [auch fig.]
sour grapes [fig.]Missgunst {f}
sour grapes [fig.]Neid {m} der Besitzlosen
gastr. table grapesTafeltrauben {pl}
oenol. Trebbiano grapesTrebbiano-Trauben {pl} [auch: Trebbianotrauben]
oenol. white grapesweiße Trauben {pl}
oenol. wine grapesWeintrauben {pl}
3 Words: Verbs
oenol. to foot-tread grapesTrauben mit den Füßen stampfen
oenol. to gather (the) grapeswimmen [schweiz.] [ugs.] [Wein lesen]
3 Words: Nouns
basket of grapesTraubenkorb {m}
bibl. blood of grapesWeinbeerblut {n} [poet., sonst veraltet]
oenol. bunch of grapesTraube {f}
gastr. oenol. bunch of grapesTraubenbündel {n}
bunch of grapesTraubenhängel {m} [regional]
oenol. bunch of grapesWeintraube {f}
oenol. bunches of grapesTrauben {pl}
oenol. husks of grapesWeintreber {pl} [ugs. auch {m}]
gastr. oenol. juice of grapesWeinbeersaft {m}
red wine grapesRotweintrauben {pl}
4 Words: Others
quote It's just sour grapes.Die Trauben sind viel zu sauer. [nach Äsop: Der Fuchs und die Trauben]
4 Words: Nouns
oenol. husks of pressed grapesWeintrester {m}
oenol. skins of pressed grapesWeintrester {pl}
5+ Words: Others
quote It's just sour grapes on your part. [idiom]Dir sind die Trauben zu sauer. [Redewendung]
bibl. quote Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? [Mt 7:16; KJV]An ihren Früchten sollt ihr sie erkennen. Kann man denn Trauben lesen von den Dornen oder Feigen von den Disteln? [Mt 7,16; Luther 1984]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film lit. F The Grapes of Wrath [novel: John Steinbeck, film: John Ford]Früchte des Zorns
lit. F The Harvest Gypsies: On the Road to the Grapes of Wrath [John Steinbeck]Erntezigeuner: Unterwegs zu den Früchten des Zorns
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. oenol. T
bot. T
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A 2012-12-10: possibly confusing "grapes" with "clubs" (DE Kreuz)
A 2012-12-10: Definitely not +are it grapes+ - are they grapes? is ok, but not necessari...
Q 2012-12-06: versuche mich gerade an der Übersetzung eines längeren Zitats aus Grapes o...
A 2009-04-16: gives the vines plenty of time to develop from best grapes
A 2009-03-25: "...to let go with the heart" are also the last words in a line of the Rob...
A 2008-11-04: Where top grapes ripen (after all, we're still in the vineyard, aren't we?)
A 2008-08-12: squeeze the grapes well by hand
A 2007-04-02: from grapes of certified organic origin
A 2007-03-29: well, you can't really use "whose" - should be "the grapes of which"
Q 2006-01-17: "Trample out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored"

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