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English-German translation for: grass
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Dictionary English German: grass

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NOUN   a grass | grasses
VERB  to grass | grassed | grassed ... 
NOUN   das Grass | -
grass {adj} [attr.] [e.g. field, pitch, paving, shears]
Rasen- [z. B. Fläche, Platz, Pflaster, Schere]
grass {adj} [attr.] [e.g. seed, stalk, roof, stain]
Gras- [z. B. Samen, Halm, Dach, Fleck]
to grass [Br.] [sl.]
petzen [Spitzel]
to grass sth.
etw. begrasen
hunting to grass sth. [Br.]etw.Akk. zur Strecke bringen [Wild]
Gras {n}
hort. sports grass
Rasen {m}
grass [Br.] [coll.]
Petzer {m} [ugs.]
drugs grass [coll.] [marijuana]
Grass {n} [ugs.] [Marihuana]
grass [female] [Br.] [coll.]
Petze {f} [Petzerin] [ugs.] [pej.]
drugs grass [coll.] [marijuana]
Cannabis {m} {n} [ugs.] [Marihuana]
drugs grass [coll.] [marijuana]
Gras {n} [ugs.] [Marihuana]
grass [Br.] [coll.] [informer]
Spitzel {m}
grass [female] [Br.] [coll.]Petzerin {f} [pej.] [Schülersprache]
2 Words: Others
grass-covered {adj}grasbewachsen
grass-covered {adj}mit Gras bedeckt
grass-covered {adj} [attr.]grasbedeckt
agr. grass-fed {adj}grasgefüttert
agr. grass-finished {adj} [beef] [the cattle stay on pasture for their entire lives][Fleisch von Rindern, die ihr gesamtes Leben auf der Weide verbracht haben]
grass-green {adj}grasgrün
grass-grown {adj}grasbewachsen
grass-like {adj}grasähnlich
grass-like {adj}grasartig
pol. grass-roots {adj}Basis-
2 Words: Verbs
agr. to grass feedmit Gras füttern
to grass sb. up [Br.] [coll.] [inform on sb.]jdn. verpfeifen [ugs.]
drugs to smoke grass [coll.] [marijuana]kiffen [ugs.]
to touch grass [sl.] [fig.]in die Wirklichkeit zurückkehren [besonders nach langen Computersitzungen]
2 Words: Nouns
sports (grass) courtRasen {m} [Tennis]
bot. (grass) glumeHüllspelze {f} [bei Gräsern]
agr. after-grassGrummet {n}
hort. artificial grassKunstgras {n}
artificial grassKunstrasen {m}
bot. bamboo grassBambusgras {n}
bot. bunch grassHorstgras {n}
bot. clump grassHorstgras {n} [Gräser mit horstartigem Wuchs]
bot. cotton grassBaumwollgras {n}
agr. forage grassFuttergras {n}
agr. bot. grass (growth)Graswuchs {m}
med. grass allergyGrasallergie {f} [auch: Graspollenallergie]
biol. med. grass bacillus [Bacillus subtilis]Heubazillus {m}
grass bag [on a lawn mower]Grasfangsack {m} [auf einem Rasenmäher]
grass bladesGrashalme {pl}
textil. grass bleaching [also: grass-bleaching]Rasenbleiche {f}
hort. tools grass box [of a lawn mower] [esp. Br.]Grasfangkorb {m}
hort. grass box [of a lawn mower] [esp. Br.]Graskorb {m} [eines Rasenmähers] [selten neben: Grasfangkorb]
fish grass carp [Ctenopharyngodon idella]Amurkarpfen {m}
hort. tools grass catcher [esp. Am.]Grasfangkorb {m}
hort. grass catcher [esp. Am.]Graskorb {m} [eines Rasenmähers] [selten neben: Grasfangkorb]
grass clippings {pl}Grasschnitt {m} [abgemähtes Gras]
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A 2016-02-21: grass-finished = grass-fed
Q 2016-02-21: grass-finished
Q 2015-11-19: at grass roots level
A 2015-09-28: Grasdecke > grass cover; Grasteppich / Rasenteppich > green sward
Q 2015-02-06: "bald grass" = poetisch?
A 2013-07-03: grass allergy
A 2013-04-30: source, informant , informer ( = working undercover, spy, slang: grass, r...
A 2013-03-30: grass
A 2013-02-05: Grass Roots and Astroturf
A 2012-03-07: A sport played on grass - http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rasenspiel
A 2011-10-27: The greener grass is too mild, I believe.
A 2011-03-21: There is a rather recent novel about that dictionary by Nobel prize winner...
A 2011-02-25: grass sod
A 2010-09-28: As Genosse Micha said, a G. Grass "Kopfgeburt" is the product of a fantasy...
Q 2010-09-28: "Kopfgeburt" (G.Grass - Beim Häuten der Zwiebel, Seite 382 (DTV)
A 2010-06-28: I would just say - (grass) seeding a playing field.
A 2010-06-05: Grass ein krasser Schriftsteller...?
A 2010-06-05: Nicht so grass
A 2010-05-02: dagegen ist kein Kraut gewachsen ... anyway - ja, Kraut/herb wird schon ...
A 2010-03-04: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&source=hp&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=the+grass+i...

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• grass
grass allergy
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grass bag
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grass bleaching
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