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English-German translation for: gravitational
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Dictionary English German: gravitational

Translation 1 - 65 of 65

English German
ADJ   gravitational | - | -
SYNO   gravitational | gravitative
phys. gravitational {adj}
spec. gravitational {adj}
phys. gravitational {adj}
2 Words: Nouns
astron. phys. (gravitational) microlensingMikrolinseneffekt {m}
astron. phys. gravitational accelerationErdbeschleunigung {f}
phys. gravitational accelerationFallbeschleunigung {f}
geol. phys. gravitational anomalyGravitationsanomalie {f}
astron. gravitational attractionAnziehungskraft {f}
phys. gravitational attractionGravitationsanziehung {f}
astron. gravitational attractionMassenanziehung {f}
biol. gravitational biologyGravitationsbiologie {f}
phys. gravitational centre [Br.]Gravitationszentrum {n}
astron. gravitational collapseGravitationskollaps {m}
phys. gravitational constant <G>Gravitationskonstante {f} <G>
phys. gravitational contractionGravitationskontraktion {f}
phys. gravitational contractionSchwerkraftkontraktion {f} [selten]
phys. gravitational correctionSchwerkraftkorrektur {f}
astron. phys. gravitational effectGravitationseffekt {m}
phys. gravitational effectGravitationswirkung {f}
astron. geol. gravitational effectSchwerkraftwirkung {f}
phys. gravitational fieldGravitationsfeld {n}
phys. gravitational fieldSchwerefeld {n}
gravitational forceAndruck {m}
phys. gravitational forceAnziehungskraft {f}
phys. gravitational forceErdanziehungskraft {f}
phys. gravitational forceGravitationskraft {f}
phys. gravitational forceSchwerkraft {f}
geol. gravitational gradientSchweregradient {m}
astron. phys. tech. gravitational influenceGravitationseinfluss {m}
astron. phys. gravitational influenceEinfluss {m} der Gravitation
phys. gravitational interactiongravitative Wechselwirkung {f}
astron. phys. gravitational lensGravitationslinse {f}
astron. gravitational lensingGravitationslinseneffekt {m}
astron. geol. phys. gravitational mapGravitationskarte {f}
phys. gravitational massschwere Masse {f}
phys. gravitational physics [treated as sg.]Gravitationsphysik {f}
acad. gravitational physiology <GP>Gravitationsphysiologie {f}
phys. gravitational potentialGravitationspotential {n}
phys. gravitational potentialGravitationspotenzial {n}
phys. gravitational pressureSchweredruck {m}
phys. gravitational pullAnziehungskraft {f}
phys. gravitational pullGravitationsanziehung {f}
phys. gravitational pullGravitationskraft {f}
phys. gravitational pullSchwerkraft {f}
astron. phys. gravitational radiationGravitationsstrahlung {f}
astron. gravitational redshiftGravitationsrotverschiebung {f}
biol. gravitational senseSchweresinn {m}
astron. phys. gravitational theoryGravitationstheorie {f}
astron. phys. gravitational waveGravitationswelle {f}
astron. phys. gravitational wavesGravitationswellen {pl}
3 Words: Nouns
earth's gravitational pullErdanziehung {f}
astron. Gaussian gravitational constantGauß'sche Gravitationskonstante {f}
astron. Gaussian gravitational constantgaußsche Gravitationskonstante {f}
astron. Gaussian gravitational constantGaußsche Gravitationskonstante {f} [alt]
phys. gravitational field strengthGravitationsfeldstärke {f}
astron. gravitational lens effectGravitationslinseneffekt {m}
geogr. geol. gravitational mass movementgravitative Massenbewegung {f}
phys. gravitational potential energypotentielle Gravitationsenergie {f}
phys. gravitational time dilationgravitative Zeitdilatation {f}
astron. phys. gravitational-wave detectorGravitationswellendetektor {m}
astron. phys. gravitational-wave observatoryGravitationswellenobservatorium {n} [auch: Gravitationswellen-Observatorium]
4 Words: Nouns
astron. phys. detection of gravitational waves [also: gravitational-waves detection]Nachweis {m} von Gravitationswellen
5+ Words: Nouns
astron. (gravitational) pull of the planetsAnziehungskraft {f} der Planeten
astron. gravitational pull of the moonMondanziehungskraft {f}
acad. phys. Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics [Albert Einstein Institute]Max-Planck-Institut {n} für Gravitationsphysik [Albert-Einstein-Institut]
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