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English-German translation for: greetings
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Dictionary English German: greetings

Translation 1 - 26 of 26

English German
NOUN   a greeting | greetings
Greetings!Grüß Gott! [südd.] [österr.]
Grüße {pl}
Begrüßungen {pl}
greetings [at beginning of conference etc.]Grußworte {pl} [zu Konferenzbeginn etc.]
greetings {pl}Gruß {m}
2 Words
Greetings (from sb.)Viele Grüße <VG> (von jdm.)
to exchange greetingsGrußworte tauschen
to return sb.'s greetingsjds. Grüße erwidern
birthday greetingsGeburtstagsglückwünsche {pl}
carnival greetings [special greetings among carnival revellers]Narrenrufe {pl} [im Karneval]
Christmas greetingsWeihnachtsgrüße {pl}
Easter greetingsOstergrüße {pl}
greetings cardBillett {n} [österr.]
greetings cardGlückwunschkarte {f}
holiday greetingsUrlaubsgrüße {pl}
relig. Pentecost greetingsPfingstgrüße {pl}
season's greetingsWeihnachtsgrüße {pl}
Season's Greetings [on a card]Frohe Festtage {pl}
spring greetingsFrühlingsgrüße {pl}
spring greetings {pl}Frühlingsgruß {m}
3 Words
Warm greetings from ... [e.g. town]Herzlicher Gruß aus .... [z. B. Stadt]
exchange of greetingsAustausch {m} von Grüßen
message of greetingsGrußadresse {f}
New Year's greetingsNeujahrsgrüße {pl}
5+ Words
Convey my greetings to ... !Übermittle meine Grüße an ... !
idiom Warm greetings to you all!Herzliche Grüße an euch alle!
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Q 2021-12-09: Greetings to a German friend
A 2015-04-24: Greetings to the bubble dwellers.
A 2015-03-13: Definition by Collins: to exchange casual greetings (with an acquaintance)
Q 2015-02-12: Greetings!
A 2015-01-09: My last suggestion may be OK for birthday greetings for your rich uncle
A 2013-12-21: Warm greetings are like a light in the window; they show us that somwhere ...
Q 2013-11-22: greetings
A 2013-09-17: Warm greetings?
Q 2012-11-27: short christmas greetings
A 2012-11-14: http://www.dazzlejunction.com/greetings/great-week.php
A 2012-09-18: I don't think you would send regards or greetings to someone (in English) ...
A 2012-04-23: greetings / best wishes to all (my) colleagues
A 2011-12-23: Season's Greetings
Q 2011-12-23: Happy Holidays And Season Greetings!
A 2011-06-03: Greetings from Bananaland
A 2011-03-10: Even more free, and greetings from New York City.
A 2010-12-17: Typos 09:42: relevant / Season's Greetings
A 2010-11-25: By the way, seasons greetings everyone!
A 2010-11-25: Achso. Ja. Aber in Amiland kann man ab Thanksgiving "Season's Greetings" v...
Q 2010-06-11: Gratulationsschreiben - birthday greetings

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