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English-German translation for: grinder
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Dictionary English German: grinder

Translation 1 - 50 of 85  >>


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NOUN   a grinder | grinders
SYNO   grinder | molar | mill ... 
NOUN   der Grinder | die Grinder
tools grinder
Schleifmaschine {f}
gastr. tools grinder [for meat]
Fleischwolf {m}
Mühle {f}
anat. dent. grinder
Backenzahn {m}
drugs tools grinder
Grinder {m} [Crusher, Kräutermühle; vorwiegend zum Zerkleinern von Marihuana und Tabak]
Mahlwerk {n}
jobs grinder
Schleifer {m}
anat. dent. grinder
Mahlzahn {m}
Schleifstein {m}
tech. grinder
Schleifapparat {m}
Mahler {m}
grinderoberer Mühlstein {m}
fish T
gastr. tools grinder [for meat]Wolf {m} [ugs.] [Fleischwolf]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. almond grinderMandelmühle {f}
tech. tools angle grinderFeuerradl {n} [ugs.] [bes. bayer.] [Winkelschleifer]
tech. tools angle grinderFlex® {f} [ugs.] [Gattungsname für Flex® angle grinder]
tech. tools angle grinderSchleifhexe {f} [ugs.] [Winkelschleifer]
tech. tools angle grinderTrennhexe {f} [ugs.] [Winkelschleifer]
tech. tools angle grinderTrennschleifer {m}
tech. tools angle grinderWinkelschleifer {m}
tech. bench grinderDoppelschleifbock {m}
tech. bench grinderDoppelschleifer {m}
tech. bench grinderDoppelschleifmaschine {f}
tech. bench grinderSchleifbock {m}
engin. tools bench grinderTischschleifmaschine {f}
blade grinderMesserschleifmaschine {f}
gastr. chocolate grinderSchokolademühle {f}
electr. gastr. coffee grinderKaffeemahlmaschine {f}
gastr. tools coffee grinderKaffeemühle {f}
tools concrete grinder [machine]Betonschleifer {m} [Maschine]
tools concrete grinder [machine]Betonschleifmaschine {f}
tech. tools cylindrical grinderRundschleifmaschine {f}
tech. tools disc grinderWinkelschleifer {m}
tools disc grinder [Br.]Mahlscheibenmühle {f}
tools disk grinder [Am.]Mahlscheibenmühle {f}
feed grinderFuttermühle {f}
ind. garbage grinder [Am.]Abfallzerkleinerer {m}
grinder chuckSchärfkopf {m}
med. grinder's asthma [coll.] [silicosis]Staublunge {f} [bes. durch Quarzstaub, Kieselstaub]
hand grinderHandschleifer {m}
hand grinderHandschleifmaschine {f}
handle grinderStielschleifer {m}
ice grinderEismühle {f}
kitchen grinderMüllzerkleinerer {m}
jobs tools knife grinderMesserschleifer {m}
tools knife grinderMesserschleifmaschine {f}
jobs optics lens grinderLinsenschleifer {m}
meat grinderFaschiermaschine {f} [österr.] [Fleischwolf]
gastr. tools meat grinderKüchenwolf {m}
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A 2013-07-27: it's about "gossip grinder" http://forum.dict.cc/?pagenum=14410&hilite=...
A 2013-07-27: Gossip grinder
Q 2013-07-27: How would you translate "gossip grinder"?
A 2012-01-11: as a result of the disc jamming / being snagged or pinched, the grinder mi...
Q 2011-06-16: Grinder (Poker)
A 2010-05-10: HA! Got it myself - it's the same as a Winkelschleifer - angle grinder.
A 2010-01-18: What will they look like after a short while if an electric grinder is app...
A 2010-01-18: if an electric grinder worked on you / your teeth every day
A 2009-11-03: Thanks :=) - and what is a good German analogy to grinder, pleeeeease?
Q 2009-11-03: to become a *grinder*
A 2009-07-08: oder: ... for an angle grinder
A 2009-03-24: to be put through the meat grinder - and put it through the meat grinder.
A 2009-02-22: angle / disk grinder
Q 2008-11-14: endface precision grinder
A 2008-11-14: endface precision grinder
A 2008-11-14: endface precision grinder
A 2008-07-15: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=%22cutting+grinder%22+garden&btnG=S...
A 2008-01-29: thorn grinder
A 2006-07-03: pigment grinder?
A 2006-07-03: maybe "pigment grinder" ? or "dye worker" ?

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