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English-German translation for: groups
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Dictionary English German: groups

Translation 1 - 50 of 108  >>

English German
NOUN   a group | groups
VERB  to group | grouped | grouped
grouping | groups
Gruppen {pl}
groupsGruppierungen {pl}
2 Words: Others
in groups {adv}gruppenweise
2 Words: Nouns
chem. alkyl groupsAlkylgruppen {pl}
chem. amine groupsAmingruppen {pl}
chem. amino groupsAminogruppen {pl}
chem. aryl groupsArylgruppen {pl}
med. blood groupsBlutgruppen {pl}
brigade groupsKampfgruppen {pl}
chem. carbohydrate groupsKohlenhydratgruppen {pl}
chem. carboxyl groupsCarboxygruppen {pl}
chem. carboxyl groupsCarboxylgruppen {pl} [veraltet]
category groupsBereiche {pl}
Category GroupsWarengattungen {pl}
pol. citizens' groupsBürgerinitiativen {pl}
consumer groupsKonsumentengruppen {pl}
demographic groupsBevölkerungsgruppen {pl}
biochem. deoxyribose groupsDesoxyribosegruppen {pl}
different groupsverschiedene Gruppen {pl}
biochem. enzyme groupsEnzymgruppen {pl}
ethn. ethnic groupsEthnien {pl}
ethn. ethnic groupsVölkerschaften {pl}
zool. family groupsFamilienverbände {pl}
mil. guerilla groupsGuerillagruppen {pl} [auch: Guerilla-Gruppen]
mil. guerilla groupsGuerillagruppierungen {pl} [auch: Guerilla-Gruppierungen]
pol. hate groupsHassgruppen {pl}
chem. heterocyclic groupsheterozyklische Gruppen {pl}
chem. hydrophobic groupshydrophobe Gruppen {pl}
immigrant groupsEinwanderergruppen {pl}
income groupsEinkommensgruppen {pl}
sociol. marginalized groupsRandgruppen {pl}
chem. methyl groupsMethylgruppen {pl}
minority groupsMinderheiten {pl}
pol. opposition groupsOppositionsgruppen {pl}
pol. Palestinian groupsPalästinensergruppen {pl}
sociol. peer groupsPeergroups {pl}
chem. phosphate groupsPhosphatgruppen {pl}
pol. privacy groupsDatenschützer {pl}
admin. econ. QM process groupsProzessgruppen {pl}
product groupsWarengruppen {pl}
racial groupsRassengruppen {pl}
resistance groupsWiderstandsgruppen {pl}
pol. rival groupsrivalisierende Gruppen {pl}
biol. serum groupsSerumgruppen {pl}
small groupsGrüppchen {pl}
small groupsKleingruppen {pl}
splinter groupsSplittergruppen {pl}
sociol. status groupsStände {pl}
ethn. subethnic groupsSubethnien {pl}
subject groupsSachgruppen {pl}
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A 2018-03-13: Nachtrag: mostly for professional groups
Q 2016-10-04: We wish the groups were organised according to level.
A 2016-05-17: Groups tend to judge other groups negatively
Q 2016-03-14: groups of animals
A 2014-10-28: Or "allied groups?"
Q 2014-07-15: At the same time our language learners range from nursery children to adul...
A 2012-11-07: Women more often tend to be found in groups than men.
A 2012-08-15: NT authority groups ?
Q 2012-08-13: authority groups
A 2012-05-06: groups of players
A 2012-05-06: not age groups! Akteursgruppen.
Q 2011-09-23: front groups = Fassaden-Organisationen
A 2011-09-16: Betriebsaufspaltung > split of a unitary enterprise, divided operations gr...
A 2011-01-06: Anti-government (groups or whatever)
Q 2010-09-17: mobile urgency groups
A 2010-06-08: The students are *allocated* to groups according to their individual skills
A 2010-06-08: The students are applied to groups in accordance to their individual skills.
A 2010-02-22: As far as groups of members of the works council who would like to assert ...
A 2009-10-11: groups
A 2009-09-28: It depends on the context - groups of offenders might work.

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group signal line
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