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English-German translation for: guardian
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Dictionary English German: guardian

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NOUN   a guardian | guardians
SYNO   defender | guardian | protector ... 
NOUN   der Guardian | die Guardiane
Beschützer {m}
law guardian
Vormund {m}
Betreuer {m}
Hüter {m}
Wächter {m}
guardian [female]
Hüterin {f}
guardian [rare for: preserver]
Bewahrer {m} [Hüter]
guardian [female]
Betreuerin {f}
guardian [female] [keeper, custodian]
Bewahrerin {f} [Hüterin]
guardian [of an ideal, tradition etc.]
Gralshüter {m} [fig.]
relig. guardian [custos: Franciscan superior]Guardian {m} [eines franziskanischen Konvents]
guardian [female]Wächterin {f}
guardian [of an ideal, tradition etc.] [female]Gralshüterin {f} [fig.]
2 Words: Nouns
co-guardianMitvormund {m}
law co-guardianNebenvormund {m}
guardian angelSchutzengel {m}
pol. Guardian Council [Iran]Wächterrat {m}
myth. relig. guardian deitiesSchutzgötter {pl}
guardian dogBeschützerhund {m}
admin. law guardian payGerhabgeld {n} [veraltet]
relig. guardian spiritSchutzgeist {m}
geol. guardian stoneWächterstein {m}
myth. guardian treeSchutzbaum {m}
legal guardianErziehungsberechtigter {m}
law legal guardianVormund {m}
law legal guardiangesetzlicher Vertreter {m}
law legal guardiangesetzlicher Vormund {m}
legal guardian [female]Erziehungsberechtigte {f}
law legal guardian [female]Vormünderin {f} [veraltet]
law legal guardian [for adults]Erwachsenenvertreter {m} [österr.] [Vertreter von volljährigen Personen]
property guardian [for a disabled person]Vermögensverwalter {m}
law special guardian [legal guardian with limited powers in Austria]Sachwalter {m} [Österreich]
temple guardianTempelwächter {m}
3 Words: Verbs
to act as guardianBeschützer sein
3 Words: Nouns
law guardian ad litemProzesspfleger {m}
law Unverified guardian ad litem [Am.]Verfahrenspfleger {m}
guardian of cultureKulturhüter {m}
guardian of traditionHüter {m} der Tradition
guardian of virtueTugendwächter {m} [ugs.] [ironisch]
4 Words: Verbs
to act as guardian for sb.jdn. bevormunden
4 Words: Nouns
appointment of a guardianBestellung {f} eines Vormunds
relig. guardian of the faithGlaubenswächter {m}
guardian of the lawGesetzeshüter {m} [Hüter des Gesetzes]
guardian of the law [female]Gesetzeshüterin {f}
hist. jobs guardian of the poorArmenpfleger {m} [veraltet]
5+ Words: Others
Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.Fahre nie schneller als dein Schutzengel fliegen kann.
5+ Words: Nouns
relig. spec. Guardian of the Gate (of Tibet) [Yin Xi]Passwächter {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F The GuardianThe GuardianRetter mit Herz
lit. F The Guardian [Nicholas Sparks]Du bist nie allein
film F The Guardian [William Friedkin]Das Kindermädchen
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
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Q 2021-02-16: Titel im 'Guardian': "Harry and Meghan aim to avoid embarrassing Queen in...
Q 2021-01-16: "A yellow snow and ice warning has been issued for Saturday ... " (The Guardian)
A 2019-08-16: THE Guardian ist in deutschen Texten völlig unüblich.
A 2018-10-01: etwa: (better) don't mess with your guardian angel
A 2018-07-12: The online Guardian has a lot of articles from North American(-based) jour...
A 2018-07-12: @Lllama: "Downtown" is actually used in today's (very British) The Guardian
A 2018-02-21: legal guardian ; legal guardianship
A 2018-02-21: guardian so wird e hier genannt
A 2017-06-17: ward, guardian
A 2015-10-27: Thanks Catesse, you are my guardian angel ;)
Q 2015-08-13: Heute im Guardian online
A 2013-08-09: Guardian comments
A 2013-04-12: http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2013/apr/05/terezin-nazi-camp-music-eva-clarke
A 2013-04-12: http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/video/2013/apr/04/holocaust-music-terezin-...
A 2012-12-23: Das waren einige der Fragen, die vor kurzem bei einer vom Guardian veranst...
Q 2012-12-23: These were some of the questions raised at a recent debate hosted by the G...
A 2012-10-25: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/richard-adams-blog/2010/jun/17/joe-barton-...
A 2012-10-17: That definitely did make the British news (Radio 4 and The Guardian, at least),
Q 2012-09-21: Just for fun - http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/sep/21/germans-word-lo...
A 2012-09-09: Nice article in The Guardian about the GCSE:

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