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English-German translation for: guest
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Dictionary English German: guest

Translation 1 - 50 of 184  >>

English German
NOUN   a guest | guests
SYNO   Edgar Albert Guest | Edgar Guest ... 
Gast {m}
Gastfreund {m} [veraltet] [Besucher, Gast]
guest [female]Gastfreundin {f} [veraltet] [Besucherin]
guest [female]Gästin {f} [selten]
2 Words: Others
film sb. guest-starredjd. hatte einen Gastauftritt
2 Words: Verbs
to guest on sth. [show, recording etc.]als Gast auf / in etw. erscheinen [Show, Aufnahme usw.]
film theatre to guest-stareinen Gastauftritt haben
2 Words: Nouns
educ. (guest) auditorGasthörer {m}
educ. (guest) auditor [female]Gasthörerin {f}
bidden guestgeladener Gast {m}
celebrity guestberühmter Gast {m}
chance guestZufallsgast {m}
chief guestHauptgast {m}
gastr. dinner guestTischgast {m}
gastr. dissatisfied guestunzufriedener Gast {m}
distinguished guestberühmter Gast {m}
festival guestFestivalgast {m}
guest accommodationGästeunterkunft {f}
RadioTV guest actorGastdarsteller {m}
RadioTV guest actor [female]Gastdarstellerin {f}
RadioTV guest actressGastdarstellerin {f}
mus. theatre guest appearanceGastauftritt {m}
mus. sports theatre guest appearanceGastspiel {n}
mus. sports theatre guest appearancesGastspiele {pl}
art guest artistGastkünstler {m}
art guest artist [female]Gastkünstlerin {f}
journ. lit. guest authorGastautor {m}
archi. guest bathroom [Am.]Gästebad {n}
RealEst. guest bathroom [Am.]Gästetoilette {f}
guest bathroom [Am.]Gäste-WC {n}
furn. guest bedFremdenbett {n} [veraltet] [Gästebett]
RealEst. guest bedroomGästeschlafzimmer {n}
furn. guest bedsGästebetten {pl} [Mobiliar für private Hausgäste]
guest bookGästebuch {n}
guest brother [visiting] [mostly used in international student exchange programs]Gastbruder {m}
guest capacityGästekapazität {f}
TrVocab. guest cardGästekarte {f}
travel guest categoryGästegruppe {f} [Gästekategorie]
gastr. guest check [Am.]Rechnung {f} [in Restaurant, Bar]
gastr. jobs guest chefGastkoch {m}
guest commentaryGastkommentar {m}
mus. guest concertGastkonzert {n}
mus. guest conductorGastdirigent {m}
mus. guest conductor [female]Gastdirigentin {f}
guest contributionGastbeitrag {m}
guest daughter [exchange student]Gasttochter {f} [Austauschstudent]
film theatre guest directorGastregisseur {m}
journ. publ. RadioTV guest editorGastredakteur {m}
guest familyGastfamilie {f}
guest houseFremdenheim {n} [veraltend]
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A 2020-01-24: A series of (guest) speakers?
A 2015-09-09: Guest room
A 2015-02-18: Guest relations officer?
A 2015-02-18: I was a guest relations officer in Nepal .....
A 2014-06-12: Mediaeval +guest houses+ evolved in the Benedictine sphere
A 2014-06-12: Gästehaus and guest house are not always the same.
A 2014-04-20: The world's a guest at CAMPUS - join us as well!
A 2013-11-16: dress collection made by a guest
A 2013-08-01: Betreuen - like " guest relations " and "maintaining" (looking after them...
A 2012-11-23: Guest visas
Q 2012-10-15: guest directory
A 2012-08-10: AE = guest student
A 2012-08-10: https://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en&tab=ww#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=guest+pup...
A 2011-07-08: @in-cognito: Yes, you're right, however, Guest Q got the idea.
A 2011-03-23: @MichaelK - thank you, but another question, would even an American guest ...
A 2010-12-26: hospital amenities / patient amenities / patient/guest amenities.
A 2010-12-14: ? If you feel like coming here, be our guest.
A 2010-12-07: Is it really necessary by law or contract that you inform your landlord ab...
A 2010-10-27: guest speaker ?
A 2010-10-27: Guest student certificate: This is to certify that Ms NN was a guest stude...

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guest bathroom

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