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English-German translation for: guilty
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Dictionary English German: guilty

Translation 1 - 50 of 89  >>

English German
ADJ   guilty | guiltier | guiltiest
SYNO   guilty | hangdog | shamed ... 
guilty {adj}
guilty {adj}
guilty {adj}
fehlbar [schweiz.]
law guilty {adj} [criminal]
law guilty {adj} [criminal]verbrecherisch
law the guilty {pl}die Schuldigen {pl}
2 Words: Others
law found guilty {past-p}schuldig gesprochen
law found guilty {past-p}für schuldig befunden
law found guilty {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]überführt
2 Words: Verbs
to account sb. guiltyjdn. als schuldig betrachten
law to adjudge sb. guiltyjdn. für schuldig befinden
to declare sb. guiltyjdn. für schuldig erklären
law to find sb. guiltyjdn. schuldig sprechen
to find sb. guiltyjdn. für schuldig befinden
law to find sb. guiltyjdn. für schuldig erkennen
law to find sb. guiltyjdn. für schuldig erklären
to look guiltyschuldbewusst dreinsehen
law to plead guiltyseine Schuld zugeben
law to plead guiltysich schuldig bekennen
law to plead guilty [as advocate]auf schuldig plädieren
law to pronounce sb. guiltyjdn. schuldig sprechen
law to prove sb. guiltyjds. Schuld beweisen
2 Words: Nouns
guilty confessionSchuldgeständnis {n}
guilty conscienceSchuldbewusstsein {n}
guilty conscienceschlechtes Gewissen {n}
guilty conscience {sg}Schuldgefühle {pl} [schlechtes Gewissen]
guilty feelingSchuldgefühl {n}
law guilty intentverbrecherischer Vorsatz {m}
law guilty onesSchuldige {pl}
law guilty partySchuldiger {m}
law guilty party [female]Schuldige {f}
law guilty pleaSchuldanerkenntnis {n}
law guilty pleaSchuldbekenntnis {n}
law guilty pleaSchuldeingeständnis {n}
guilty pleasureLaster {n}
guilty pleasureheimliches Vergnügen {n}
guilty pleasureVergnügen {n} mit Gewissensbissen
guilty verdictSchuldspruch {m}
3 Words: Others
guilty as charged {adj}schuldig im Sinne der Anklage
guilty of fraud {adj} [postpos.]des Betrugs schuldig
3 Words: Verbs
to avow oneself guilty [archaic]seine Schuld zugeben
to be guilty of sth.an etw.Dat. schuld sein
to be guilty of sth.sich etw.Gen. schuldig machen
to confess oneself guiltysich schuldig bekennen
to declare sb. not guiltyjdn. für nicht schuldig erklären
to feel guilty about sth.sichAkk. wegen etw. [Gen., ugs. auch Dat.] schuldig fühlen
law to find sb. not guiltyjdn. für unschuldig erklären
law to find sb. not guiltyjdn. von einer Schuld freisprechen
law to plead not guiltysichAkk. nicht schuldig bekennen
law to plead not guiltysichAkk. für nicht schuldig erklären
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A 2024-09-27: "suspicion" usually implies s.th. forbidden, wrong, guilty etc.
Q 2022-07-25: "make/take a guilty plea"?
A 2017-12-18: A defence doesn't mean you won't be found guilty,
Q 2016-01-03: my guilty
A 2015-05-03: Stimmt. Bei eigener Verursachung vielleicht: to face one's own guilty past...
A 2015-03-18: guilty pleasure
Q 2014-11-17: guilty by implication
Q 2013-02-28: Bradley Manning pleads not guilty to aiding the enemy
A 2012-11-30: To experience guilt is another (more formal way) of saying to feel guilty :-)
A 2012-11-30: Experience guilt = feel guilty
Q 2011-06-20: guilty pleasure
A 2011-04-04: You've said the usual phrase - HP was found not guilty.
A 2010-04-01: romy, no need to feel guilty, your translation is OK.
A 2010-04-01: I plead guilty -
A 2010-02-12: Typo: +pleads+ guilty
A 2010-01-29: Not so literal: The accusers were so angry and bitter that, out of revenge...
A 2010-01-18: Whether it's a judge or jury who decides whether someone is guilty or not ...
Q 2009-12-29: she felt guilty about what she had done
A 2009-10-05: guilty 8-)
Q 2009-05-14: True to form? Former Executive at Monster Guilty

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