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English-German translation for: gun
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Dictionary English German: gun

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ADJ   gun | more gun | most gun
NOUN   a gun | guns
VERB  to gun | gunned | gunned ... 
SYNO   grease-gun | gun | gun | gunman ... 
weapons gun {adj} [attr.] [case, fanatic, laws, licence, lobby]
Waffen- [z. B. Koffer, Narr, Recht, Schein, Lobby]
weapons gun [pistol]
Pistole {f}
weapons gun [pistol]
Kanone {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [Pistole]
automot. aviat. gun [throttle]
Gashebel {m} [Auto oder Flugzeug]
weapons gun [rifle]
Gewehr {n}
weapons gun [rifle, pistol etc.]
Knarre {f} [ugs.]
weapons gun [firearm]
Schusswaffe {f}
weapons gun [firearm]
Waffe {f} [Schusswaffe]
weapons gun [cannon]
Geschütz {n}
weapons gun [handgun]
Ballermann {m} [ugs.] [Schusswaffe]
weapons gun [cannon]
Kanone {f}
gun [Am.] [coll.] [armed person]
Bewaffneter {m}
weapons gun [handgun]
Krachen {f} [ugs.] [österr.] [Revolver, Knarre]
weapons gun [rifle]
Schießgewehr {n} [Kindersprache]
2 Words: Others
gun-sensitive {adj} [attr.] [dog]schussempfindlich [Hund]
hunting gun-shy {adj}schussscheu
gun-shy {adj} [fig.]vorsichtig [argwöhnisch]
weapons machine-gun {adj} <MG> [attr.]Maschinengewehr- <MG>
2 Words: Verbs
to gun down sb. [coll.]jdn. abknallen [ugs.]
to gun for sth. [try to win or obtain] [coll.] [fig.]etw.Akk. anstreben
to gun sb. down [coll.]jdn. niederschießen
to gun sb. down [coll.]jdn. umballern [ugs.]
to gun sb. down [coll.]jdn. umsägen [ugs.] [jdn. niederschießen]
to gun sb. down [coll.]jdn. über den Haufen schießen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to machine-gun sb. [coll.]jdn. mit einem Maschinengewehr niedermähen [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
weapons (sporting) gunBüchse {f}
weapons air gun [air pistol]Luftpistole {f}
weapons air gun [air rifle]Luftgewehr {n}
sports weapons air gun [gun from which projectile is propelled by compressed air]Luftdruckwaffe {f} [Druckluftwaffe]
tools airbrush (gun)Luftpinsel {m} [bes. schweiz.] [Farbspritzpistole]
cosmet. spec. airbrush gunAirbrush-Pistole {f}
weapons airsoft gunAirsoftgun {f}
weapons airsoft gunSoftair {f} [ugs.]
weapons airsoft gunSoftairwaffe {f}
weapons airsoft gunSoftgun {f} [ugs.]
alarm gunAlarmkanone {f}
weapons alarm gunSchreckschusswaffe {f}
alarm-gunSignalkanone {f}
dent. amalgam gunAmalgampistole {f}
weapons antiaircraft gunFlak {f}
weapons antiaircraft gunFlakgeschütz {n}
mil. weapons antitank gunPanzerabwehrgeschütz {n}
mil. antitank gunPanzerabwehrkanone {f}
tools applicator gunApplikatorpistole {f} [zum Aufbringen zähflüssiger Materialien]
tools applicator gunAuftragspistole {f} [zum Aufbringen zähflüssiger Materialien]
weapons assault gunSturmgeschütz {n} <StuG>
weapons AT-gun [anti-tank gun]Pak {f} [Panzerabwehrkanone]
weapons automatic gunautomatisches Gewehr {n}
textil. tools basting gun [sewing]Heftpistole {f}
weapons BB gunLuftpistole {f} [für kugelförmige Metallgeschosse ("ballistic balls")]
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A 2022-10-22: they underwent a few days of training on the anti-aircraft gun / on the FLAK
A 2019-02-17: Have Gun – Will Travel - Wikipedia
Q 2017-06-19: Any big shot willing to enter +chip time / gun time+ into dict.cc? #872500
A 2016-08-09: Vgl. +gunner+ < +gun+
Q 2016-08-09: gun battery
Q 2016-03-18: projecting assembly (toy gun)
A 2015-10-29: (17:01) Gun control a Nazi measure? So David Cameron is walking in Adolf's...
A 2015-10-28: The strongest argument for gun control is found in the 2nd amendment itsel...
Q 2015-08-13: gun
Q 2015-07-03: The anit-gun crowd
Q 2015-06-13: gun attack on sth.
A 2015-06-10: replicas of weapons subject to gun control laws
A 2015-02-14: @Jim: No, not joking and not insinuating gun-happiness. I've got a few mys...
A 2014-12-15: It takes a man, a gun and a flag and you get the attention of the whole world..
Q 2014-11-08: between X and a dead horse, Y would grab a glue gun
A 2014-10-04: a bead can be the front-sight of a gun; to draw or to get a bead on - t...
Q 2014-05-25: Another day in gun nut land . . .
A 2014-04-25: I'd still go with the staple gun type
A 2013-12-02: Like a gun being fired -
A 2013-11-15: all dressed, ready to go, his gun (strapped on ?)

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