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English-German translation for: gymnastics
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Dictionary English German: gymnastics

Translation 1 - 47 of 47

English German
NOUN   gymnastics | gymnastics
SYNO   gymnastic exercise | gymnastics
Gymnastik {f}
sports gymnastics
Turnen {n}
gymnasticsLeibesübungen {pl}
sports gymnastics [treated as sg. or pl.]Turnkunst {f}
2 Words: Others
doing gymnasticsturnend
2 Words: Verbs
sports to do gymnasticsturnen
sports to practice gymnastics [Am.]Gymnastik treiben
sports to practise gymnastics [Br.]turnen
2 Words: Nouns
sports (gymnastics) tournamentTurnfest {n}
sports apparatus gymnasticsGeräteturnen {n}
sports aqua gymnasticsAquagymnastik {f}
sports artistic gymnasticsGeräteturnen {n}
sports artistic gymnasticsKunstturnen {n}
sports artistic gymnastics [Olympic discipline]Gerätturnen {n}
Unverified bedroom gymnastics [hum.]Lakengymnastik {f} [hum.]
med. foot gymnastics {pl}Fußgymnastik {f}
sports gymnastics associationTurnverband {m}
sports gymnastics associationVerein {m} für Leibesübungen <VfL>
sports gymnastics clubTurnverein {m} <TV>
hist. gymnastics movementTurnbewegung {f}
hist. sports gymnastics movementTurnerbewegung {f}
sports gymnastics shoesGymnastikschuhe {pl}
cloth. sports gymnastics shoesTurnschläppchen {pl}
archi. sports gymnastics stadiumGymnastikstadion {n}
educ. jobs gymnastics teacherGymnastiklehrer {m}
sports gymnastics teamGymnastikteam {n}
sports gymnastics wheelRhönrad {n}
med. medical gymnasticsHeilgymnastik {f}
med. medical gymnasticsKrankengymnastik {f}
mental gymnastics [usually treated as sg.] [also fig.]mentale Gymnastik {f} [auch fig.]
med. remedial gymnasticsKrankengymnastik {f}
sports rhythmic gymnasticsrhythmische Sportgymnastik {f}
sports rhythmic gymnasticstänzerische Gymnastik {f}
esot. sports rune gymnastics [treated as sg. or pl.]Runengymnastik {f}
sports ski gymnasticsSchigymnastik {f}
sports ski gymnastics [treated as sg. or pl.]Skigymnastik {f}
RadioTV sports TV gymnasticsTelegymnastik {f} [auch: Tele-Gymnastik]
sports water gymnasticsWassergymnastik {f}
sports wheel gymnasticsRhönrad-Turnen {n}
sports women's gymnasticsFrauenturnen {n}
3 Words: Nouns
sports German Gymnastics AssociationDeutscher Turner-Bund {m} <DTB>
world of gymnasticsTurnbereich {m}
4 Words: Nouns
sports (piece of) gymnastics apparatusTurngerät {n}
sports gymnastics and sports associationTurn- und Sportverein {m} <TSV>
sports gymnastics and sports clubTurn- und Sportverein {m} <TSV>
sports gymnastics class for childrenKinderturnen {n} [Kinderturnstunde]
5+ Words: Verbs
to join in with the gymnasticsmitturnen
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A 2017-05-09: Gymnastics for a dignified defence of the home country
A 2017-05-09: Gymnastics for a dignified defence of the home country
A 2015-10-30: Mental gymnastics
Q 2011-04-01: mental gymnastics
A 2011-01-14: Be careful with re-translating quotes: "Moral gymnastics" is what Twain ac...
A 2010-06-19: Gymnastics with onomastics
A 2010-02-19: sports (gymnastics / physical activities) bind us together
A 2008-08-13: oder auch gymnastics mat - siehe obigen Link
A 2008-05-14: I would say that both together are known as gymnastics,
Q 2008-05-14: floor exercises and apparatus gymnastics
A 2008-05-04: but in your context - sports/gymnastics - I think "swinging mass" does mak...
A 2007-08-18: ? gymnastics and sports club
A 2007-03-04: @Birgid - relaxation gymnastics
A 2007-03-04: relaxation gymnastics
A 2007-03-04: compensation gymnastics?
A 2006-11-20: Animation activities for children and water gymnastics
A 2006-11-20: This includes animation activities for children and water gymnastics
A 2006-09-22: apparently just "ribbon"; how about "gymnastics ribbon"?
A 2004-10-11: ah! Gymnastics horse

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