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English-German translation for: h. a.
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Dictionary English German: h a

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out of (the) office <OOO>außer Haus <a. H.>
admin. econ. this year {adv}huius anni [veraltend] <h. a.> [diesjährig]
admin. econ. this year's {adj}huius anni [veraltend] <h. a.> [diesjährig]
law assault occasioning actual bodily harm <Assault O.A.B.H., Assault OABH> [Br.] [Aus.]einfache Körperverletzung {f}
mus. BACH motif [succession of notes in German musical nomenclature forming Johann Sebastian Bach's family name](Motiv) B-A-C-H {n} [Tonfolge, die den Familiennamen Johann Sebastian Bachs umsetzt]
mil. fission-fusion-fission bombkombinierte A- und H-Bombe {f}
to travel at a speed exceeding 40 km/hmit einer Geschwindigkeit von über 40 km/h fahren
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A 2021-06-13: Both are usually used when talking about owners of a dog.
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