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English-German translation for: handwriting
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Dictionary English German: handwriting

Translation 1 - 41 of 41

English German
NOUN1   handwriting | -
NOUN2   a handwriting | handwritings
VERB  to handwrite | handwrote | handwritten
handwriting | handwrites
SYNO   hand | handwriting | script
Handschrift {f}
Schrift {f} [Handschrift]
2 Words: Verbs
to decipher handwritingHandschrift enträtseln
2 Words: Nouns
angular handwritingkantige Handschrift {f}
back handwritinglinksschiefe Handschrift {f}
bad handwritingschlechte Handschrift {f}
bold handwritingkräftige Handschrift {f}
careless handwritingflüchtige Handschrift {f}
cursive handwritingSchreibschrift {f}
cursive handwritingfließende Handschrift {f}
doctor's handwriting [hum.] [crabbed handwriting]Doktorschrift {f} [hum.] [schwer lesbare Handschrift]
Gothic handwritingKurrentschrift {f}
handwriting analysisSchriftgutachten {n}
handwriting examinationSchriftexpertise {f}
handwriting examinationSchriftvergleichung {f}
handwriting expertHandschriftenexperte {m}
handwriting expertHandschriftexperte {m}
handwriting expertSchriftsachverständiger {m}
handwriting expert [female]Handschriftenexpertin {f}
handwriting expert [female]Schriftsachverständige {f}
neat handwritinggestochene Schrift {f}
neat handwritingsaubere Handschrift {f}
neat handwritingschöne Handschrift {f}
poor handwritingKlaue {f} [ugs.] [unleserliche Handschrift]
poor handwritingunleserliche Handschrift {f}
shaky handwritingzitterige Handschrift {f}
stiff handwritingsteife Handschrift {f}
strange handwritingunbekannte Handschrift {f}
3 Words: Nouns
(cursive) Hebrew handwritinghebräische Schreibschrift {f} [Kursivschrift]
cursive Hebrew (handwriting)hebräische Schreibschrift {f} [Kursivschrift]
hist. German normal handwritingdeutsche Normalschrift {f}
educ. ling. joined-up handwritingverbundene Handschrift {f}
National Handwriting DayNationaltag {m} der Handschrift
page of handwritingSeite {f} in Handschrift
specimen of (sb.'s) handwritingHandschriftenprobe {f}
specimen of (sb.'s) handwritingSchriftprobe {f}
4 Words: Others
in one's best handwriting {adv}in Schönschrift
4 Words: Verbs
to have a terrible handwritingeine Sauklaue haben [ugs.] [pej.]
to make out a handwritingeine Handschrift entziffern
5+ Words: Others
signed in one's own handwriting {adj} {past-p}eigenhändig unterzeichnet
5+ Words: Verbs
to write in one's best handwritingschönschreiben
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A 2022-05-19: Gothic handwriting
A 2014-11-22: Optical scanning or old text or handwriting?
A 2013-07-15: made by an autopen / signing machine (as opposed to handwriting)
A 2013-07-01: There are other dates also, but only this one is written in handwriting in...
A 2010-12-06: Fl+ie+ßschrift = handwriting font
A 2010-01-09: Coda: I understand you're already hard at work on an enquiry into word pro...
A 2010-01-05: ... (Beg to differ in substance. Most people's handwriting is becoming eve...
A 2009-10-08: Thinking about it: Is it in the realm of possibility that the handwriting ...
A 2009-09-08: Handwriting changes
A 2009-09-07: Beg to differ. Typing is priceless, but handwriting has a haptic and sensu...
A 2009-02-26: pale-blue woman's handwriting
A 2009-02-26: @ ddr - is the woman blue or her handwriting (or the ink)?
A 2007-09-25: 'ausgenommen' a misreading of 'aufgenommen': in Gothic handwriting, the "s...
A 2007-09-04: Reject the handwriting as not being yours?
A 2007-09-04: ? Say the hand / handwriting is not yours.
A 2007-05-20: Unfortunately, I can't decipher that type of handwriting, but I've
A 2007-04-18: I believe there's no alternative to "Old German Script" or old German hand...
A 2005-12-01: Are you sure you have deciphered the handwriting correctly?
A 2005-04-06: Handwriting and neatness
A 2005-04-06: Schrift und Form > neat handwriting

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