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English-German translation for: happening
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Dictionary English German: happening

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ADJ   happening | more happening | most happening
NOUN   a happening | happenings
VERB  to happen | happened | happened
happening | happens
SYNO   happening | natural event ... 
NOUN   das Happening | die Happenings
happening {adj} {pres-p}
happening {adj} {pres-p}
happening {adj} [coll.]
angesagt [ugs.]
Ereignis {n}
Geschehnis {n}
art theatre happening
Happening {n}
2 Words: Others
happening tozustoßend
It's happening.Es ist soweit. [alt]
It's happening.Es ist so weit.
What's happening?Was gibt's?
What's happening?Was ist (denn) los?
2 Words: Nouns
lucky happeninggünstiges Ereignis {n}
3 Words: Others
There's nothing happening.Es tut sich nichts.
What is happening?Was ist los?
What is happening?Was geht hier vor?
What's happening here?Was ist hier los?
What's happening, mate? [coll.] [Br.] [Aus.]Was geht ab, Kumpel? [ugs.]
3 Words: Verbs
to prevent sth. (from) happeningverhindern, dass etw. geschieht
to speak sth. into happeningetw.Akk. herbeireden
to talk sth. into happeningetw.Akk. herbeireden
4 Words: Others
in danger of sth. happeningin Gefahr es könnte etw. geschehen
The chances of sth. happening ...Die Aussicht, dass etw. geschieht ...
This cannot be happening.Das kann nicht wahr sein.
This is not happening! [coll.]Das glaub ich einfach nicht! [ugs.]
4 Words: Verbs
to start happening very fastsich überschlagen [Ereignisse]
to talk sth. bad into happeningetwas Schlimmes herbeireden
5+ Words: Others
Before he knew what was happening ...Ehe er sich's versah, ...
Hey, this party's really happening! [sl.]Hey, hier auf der Fete ist echt was los!
I don't / can't see that happening.Das kann ich mir nicht vorstellen.
There's no danger of that happening again.Eine Wiederholungsgefahr ist ausgeschlossen.
There's no danger of that happening again.Es besteht keine Gefahr, dass dies nochmals passiert.
There's no danger of that happening again.Es besteht keine Gefahr, dass sich das wiederholt.
There's precious little chance of that happening.Die Chance, dass so etwas passiert, ist wohl minimal.
Things are really happening there.Da geht was ab. [ugs.] [Da ist etwas los.]
Things were happening thick and fast.Die Ereignisse überstürzten sich.
5+ Words: Nouns
what has been happening in the past few daysdie Geschehnisse {pl} der letzten Tage
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Q 2023-11-06: What is happening to Google??
A 2018-02-03: Nein, nicht "announced", sondern "happening".
A 2016-07-06: Context .... Agreed? / Still happening? etc.
A 2015-03-05: too little happening and too few events (
A 2014-01-06: This couldn't really be happening!
A 2013-09-02: Why did/does that keep happening
A 2013-07-22: I assume that this is a question about something happening in the future.
A 2013-04-26: Something magnificent is happening farther out, where a sandbank forces th...
A 2013-03-11: Thanks. The Catholic church is who this is happening at.
A 2012-09-03: Hier ist gar nichts los - absolutely nothing is happening/going on here
A 2012-08-01: Is it used to mean to stop something happening or to advise someone not to...
A 2012-07-17: If X, then Y exists. The happening of X is understood, and if Y "comes int...
A 2012-02-07: 3. They are having a rough time in this crisis - if you're talking about w...
A 2011-12-02: bugfoot's back - good things are still happening
A 2011-09-01: @WingDing: I try to keep up with the hip & happening slang.
A 2011-01-24: Already happening
A 2011-01-12: Present continuous can be used for something happening in the near future ...
A 2010-07-27: Because this describes what is now happening.
Q 2010-04-02: It was more of a happening.
A 2010-01-28: Happening, Performance vs Installation

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happen to know sth.

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