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English-German translation for: hardly
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Dictionary English German: hardly

Translation 1 - 65 of 65

English German
SYNO   hardly | scarcely | barely | hardly ... 
hardly {adv}
hardly {adv}
hardly {adv}fast nicht
2 Words: Others
hardly anyfast kein
hardly anyfast keine
hardly anykaum noch
hardly anykaum welche
hardly anykaum ein / eine
hardly anythingfast gar nichts
hardly audible {adj}kaum zu verstehen [kaum hörbar]
hardly distinguishable {adj}kaum auszumachen
hardly distinguishable {adj}kaum auszumachend [attr.]
hardly ever {adv}beinahe nie
hardly ever {adv}fast nie
hardly ever {adv}fast niemals
hardly ever {adv}kaum jemals
hardly ever {adv}fast gar nicht
hardly ever {adv}so gut wie kaum
hardly likelywohl kaum
traffic hardly passable {adj} [roads, ways etc.]schwer passierbar [Straßen, Wege etc.]
hardly possible {adj} {adv}schwer möglich
hardly probable {adj}unwahrscheinlich
hardly probable {adj}kaum wahrscheinlich
hardly surprising {adj}wenig verwunderlich
2 Words: Verbs
to hardly know sb.jdn. kaum kennen
3 Words: Others
hardly earth-shattering {adj}nichts Weltbewegendes
hardly worth mentioning {adj}kaum der Rede wert
hitherto hardly known {adj}bisher kaum bekannt
3 Words: Verbs
to be hardly ablekaum im Stande sein
to be hardly encouragingkaum eine Ermunterung sein
to be hardly likelykaum wahrscheinlich sein
3 Words: Nouns
stat. stocks hardly any fluctuationskaum Schwankungen {pl}
hardly any prospectskaum Aussichten {pl}
4 Words: Others
hardly comprehensible and understandable {adj}unüberschaubar
I can hardly wait!Ich kann es kaum erwarten!
It hardly needs mentioning ...Es versteht sich wohl von selbst, ...
It's hardly surprising that ...Es ist kaum verwunderlich, dass ...
It's hardly surprising that ...Es ist kein Wunder, dass ...
Sth. is hardly surprising.Etw. ist kein Wunder. [wenig verwunderlich]
That is hardly possible.Das ist wohl nicht möglich.
4 Words: Verbs
to hardly believe one's eyes [idiom]seinen (eigenen) Augen kaum trauen [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Others
Hardly a day goes by without somebody doing something.Kaum ein Tag vergeht, an dem jemand nicht etwas tut.
He can hardly speak a word of German.Er kann kaum ein Wort Deutsch.
He could hardly believe his luck.Er konnte sein Glück kaum fassen.
He could hardly contain himself.Er konnte sich kaum beherrschen.
He could hardly keep his eyes open.Ihm fielen beinahe die Augen zu.
quote He had many opponents, though hardly one personal enemy.Er hatte viele Gegner, dennoch kaum einen persönlichen Feind. [Friedrich Engels über Karl Marx]
He hardly has time to breathe.Er hat kaum Zeit, Luft zu holen.
sb. is hardly a child anymorejd. ist kaum noch ein Kind
She could hardly speak through all her tears.Sie sprach mit (halb) von Tränen erstickter Stimme.
sth. hardly permits us to do sth.etw. lässt kaum zu, dass wir etw. tun
That's hardly going to make a difference now, is it!Das macht doch jetzt kaum noch was aus! [ugs.]
The difference could hardly be more extreme.Der Unterschied könnte größer kaum sein.
The difference could hardly be more extreme.Der Unterschied könnte kaum größer sein.
The ink was hardly dry.Die Tinte war kaum trocken.
There was hardly any wind.Es ging kaum Wind.
There were hardly any cars on the street.Es waren kaum Autos auf der Straße.
5+ Words: Verbs
to be hardly able to speakkaum (noch) sprechen können
to be hardly able to speakmit (halb) erstickter Stimme sprechen
to be hardly able to standkaum stehen können
idiom to hardly ever miss a tricksich kaum je eine Chance entgehen lassen
to hardly have anything to eatkaum etwas zu essen haben
to hardly take any notice of sb./sth.kaum Notiz nehmen von jdm./etw.
5+ Words: Nouns
the truth that hardly anybody knowsdie Wahrheit {f}, die kaum jemand kennt
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Johnny I Hardly Knew You [Edna O'Brien]Ich kannte ihn kaum [auch: Johnny, ich kannte dich kaum]
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A 2022-12-19: In Greek, the sense of the adjective has hardly changed throughout the ages
A 2022-11-24: The family name +Krug+ stems from trades that hardly had the wherewithal t...
A 2021-01-05: > 20:50 --- The idea of popular majesty has hardly caught on yet, has it?
A 2020-05-10: Hardly. Otherwise one can be accused of spamming.
A 2019-10-22: ? ... can hardly be visualized
A 2019-01-31: Hardly had I / he / she / it / we / they / {past participle}, when
A 2018-05-15: Incidentally, according to an +lbc+ caller the bride's dad is just an old ...
Q 2017-05-09: The queue is hardly moving
Q 2016-07-25: even with help of translate from google..or word, i hardly can understand,...
A 2016-04-18: +"assignment" used for an action coming from a superior and directed at a ...
Q 2016-04-10: Hardly perceptible to the senses.
A 2016-03-14: You hardly scratched the surface.
A 2015-10-28: Capitalization was rife in 17th / 18th century English texts, but hardly a...
A 2015-08-10: +hair in a / the biscuit+ may be particularly inane as a hair would hardly...
A 2015-05-12: Google "extended workbench",metaphor, Country: the UK, yields hardly any r...
A 2015-02-13: Can hardly wait.
A 2015-01-14: Literally: You are forever trying to butt down the wall. This is hardly us...
A 2014-11-03: One sex/gender is preferred and the other hardly has a chance ...
Q 2014-08-04: hardly less a delusion
A 2014-05-05: Amends? Hardly.

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