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English-German translation for: hare
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Dictionary English German: hare

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NOUN   a hare | hares
VERB  to hare | hared | hared ... 
SYNO   hare | rabbit
to hare [esp. Br.]
flitzen [ugs.]
to hare [esp. Br.]
sausen [rennen]
to hare [esp. Br.]
sauen [ugs.] [südd.] [bes. schwäb.] [schnell rennen] [vgl. sausen]
to hare [esp. Br.](schnell) rennen
zool. T
Hase {m}
zool. T
hare {pl}
Hasen {pl}
zool. hare
Mümmler {m} [ugs.] [Hase]
zool. hareMümmelmann {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Hase]
2 Words: Others
hare-brained {adj}behämmert [ugs.]
hare-brained {adj}bekloppt [ugs.] [verrückt]
hare-brained {adj}verrückt [ugs.] [oft pej.] [geistig wirr]
2 Words: Nouns
Easter hareOsterhase {m}
zool. female hareHäsin {f}
pol. Hamilton methodHare-Niemeyer-Verfahren {n}
hist. hunting hare coursingHasenhetze {f}
hunting hare huntHasenjagd {f} [einzelne Jagd]
hunting hare huntingHasenjagd {f} [das Jagen von Hasen]
gastr. hunting hare meatHasenfleisch {n}
geogr. Hare PeakHare Peak {m}
hunting hare shootingHasenjagd {f}
fish hare's ear [fly fishing]Hasenohr {n} [Fliegenfischen]
med. hare's eye [lagophthalmos]Hasenauge {n} [Lagophthalmus]
hare's leapHasensprung {m}
gastr. jointed hareHasenklein {n}
gastr. jugged hareHasenpfeffer {m}
zool. little hareHäschen {n}
zool. male hareRammler {m}
Master HareMeister Lampe {m} [Hase in der Fabel]
astron. Moon hareHase {m} im Mond [Mondhase]
old hare [coll.] [fig.] [seasoned soldier]alter Hase {m} [ugs.] [fig.] [erfahrener Soldat]
gastr. roast hareHasenbraten {m}
sitting haresitzender Hase {m}
zool. young hareHäschen {n}
3 Words: Verbs
hunting to shoot a hareeinen Hasen schießen
idiom to start a hare [Br.] [fig.]vom Thema ablenken [indem man von etwas anderem spricht]
3 Words: Nouns
games hare and hounds [treated as sg.]Schnitzeljagd {f}
games Hare and TortoiseHase und Igel
pol. largest remainder methodHare-Niemeyer-Verfahren {n}
gastr. leg of hareHasenkeule {f}
gastr. leg of hareHasenschlegel {m} [bayer.]
gastr. pot roast hareHasenschmorbraten {m}
gastr. saddle of hareHasenrücken {m}
gastr. saddle of hareHasenrückenfilet {n}
4 Words: Verbs
idiom to set the hare running [fig.]den Stein ins Rollen bringen [fig.]
5+ Words: Others
(as) timid as a hare {adj} [idiom](so) furchtsam wie ein Hase [Redewendung]
as mad as a March hare {adj} [pred.] [coll.] [idiom]vollkommen verrückt [ugs.]
proverb First catch your hare then cook it.Man soll die Beute nicht vor dem Sieg teilen.
proverb Many hounds soon catch the hare.Viele Hunde sind des Hasen Tod.
5+ Words: Verbs
idiom to run with the hare and hunt with the houndsauf zwei Hochzeiten tanzen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Hare and the Hedgehog [Grimm Brothers]Der Hase und der Igel [Brüder Grimm]
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A 2014-06-14: A wild hare
A 2014-04-05: Mad as a March hare.
A 2013-06-01: Once more the shrewd old hare showed the bunny how to double.
A 2011-02-21: Thanks i did mean hare :-)
Q 2011-02-21: I gave a hare to my friend
A 2010-05-06: The hare(!)'s blood literally squirted out in streams...
A 2010-04-03: Thanks. A hare with wolf's teeth.
A 2010-03-22: Mad as a March hare again? (BTW, it's +grenade+ ...)
A 2010-03-21: NB: rabbit > Kaninchen, hare > Hase
A 2008-09-19: @ Wuffke: Hare Krishnas
A 2008-01-15: Ich glaube übrigens, daß Napoleon an der Head Dare Bay, nicht an der Dead ...
A 2008-01-15: War die Dead Hare Bay nicht der Ort, an dem Napoleon sein Toupet verlor?
A 2006-10-12: Cut`s or pieces of hare
A 2006-10-12: Ich plädiere für 'hare parts'
A 2006-10-12: Ich würde "hare chops" nehmen
A 2006-09-16: "Mad as a March hare"
A 2004-06-12: The moral of the story is: HARE TODAY, GOON TOMORROW

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