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English-German translation for: harmony
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Dictionary English German: harmony

Translation 1 - 66 of 66

English German
NOUN1   a harmony | harmonies
NOUN2   harmony | -
SYNO   harmony | musical harmony ... 
Einklang {m}
Harmonie {f}
Eintracht {f}
mus. harmony
Akkord {m}
mus. harmony
Mehrklang {m} [Akkord]
mus. harmonyHarmonik {f}
harmonyZusammenklang {m}
harmony [agreeable sound]Wohllaut {m}
harmony [agreement]Einträchtigkeit {f}
2 Words: Others
in harmony {adv}in Harmonie
in harmony {adv}in Übereinstimmung
seeking harmony {adj} [as a character trait]harmoniesüchtig
2 Words: Nouns
mus. block harmonyBlockharmonik {f}
mus. centrifugal harmony[von der Tonika wegführende Harmonie]
mus. centripetal harmony[zur Tonika hinführende Harmonie]
mus. chromatic harmonychromatische Harmonie {f}
mus. chromatic harmony [chord][Akkord mit tonartfremden Tönen, z. B. Tristanakkord]
mus. close harmonyenge Lage {f}
color harmony [Am.]Farbharmonie {f}
colour harmony [Br.]Farbharmonie {f}
mus. contracted harmony [rare for: close harmony]enge Lage {f}
deep harmonytiefe Harmonie {f}
mus. diatonic harmonydiatonische Harmonie {f}
mus. dispersed harmonygespreizter Akkord {m}
domestic harmonyhäuslicher Frieden {m}
bibl. gospel harmonyEvangelienharmonie {f}
inner harmonyseelisches Gleichgewicht {n}
mus. jazz harmonyJazzharmonik {f}
mus. parallel harmonyparallele Harmonie {f}
mus. quartal harmonyQuartenharmonik {f}
racial harmonyHarmonie {f} zwischen den Rassen
pol. sociol. social harmonySozialfrieden {m} [sozialer Frieden]
pol. social harmonysozialer Frieden {m}
social harmonyinnerer Frieden {m} der Gesellschaft
econ. target harmonyZielharmonie {f}
mus. tertian harmonyTerzakkord {m}
mus. tonal harmonytonale Harmonik {f}
ling. vowel harmonyVokalharmonie {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to be in harmonyharmonisch sein
to bring into harmonyzur / in Übereinstimmung bringen
to live in harmonysich vertragen
3 Words: Nouns
mus. (theory of) harmonyHarmonielehre {f}
mus. (theory of) harmonyHarmonienlehre {f}
mus. change of harmonyHarmoniewechsel {m}
mus. four-part harmonyChoralsatz {m}
philos. spec. pre-established harmonyprästabilierte Harmonie {f} [Leibniz]
philos. principle of harmonyHarmonieprinzip {n}
hist. Righteous Harmony Society {sg}Verbände {pl} für Gerechtigkeit und Harmonie [Boxer genannt]
striving for harmonyHarmoniesucht {f}
World Harmony Run [Sri Chinmoy]Weltfriedenslauf {m}
4 Words: Others
(always) striving for harmony {adj}harmoniesüchtig
in need of harmony {adj} [postpos.]harmoniebedürftig
4 Words: Verbs
to be in harmony withübereinstimmen mit
to be in harmony with sb./sth.mit jdm./etw. in Einklang stehen
to be in harmony with sth.in Übereinstimmung mit etw.Dat. sein
4 Words: Nouns
archi. Hall of Supreme HarmonyHalle {f} der höchsten Harmonie
bibl. Harmony of the GospelsEvangelienharmonie {f}
harmony of the spheresSphärenharmonie {f}
astron. hist. harmony of the spheresWeltharmonik {f}
love, peace, and harmonyFriede, Freude, Eierkuchen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Verbs
to be out of harmony with sth.nicht zu etw.Dat. passen
to live in harmony with natureim Einklang mit der Natur leben
to live in peace and harmony with sb.mit jdm. in Frieden und Freundschaft leben
5+ Words: Nouns
harmony of mountain and woodlandHarmonie {f} von Bergen und Wäldern
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F Harmony Bear [Care Bears]Harmoniebärchi [Glücksbärchis]
art lit. F The Art of Spiritual Harmony [translated by J.H. Sadler, Constable & Co. Ltd., London and Boston]Über das Geistige in der Kunst [Wassily Kandinsky]
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A 2012-12-23: to be in peace/harmony ..... to rest .....
A 2009-08-05: Bei Mutter Erde ist es üblicherweise "connection" oder "harmony" with...
A 2009-05-05: @ Allan - I'm all for peace and harmony :-))
A 2009-04-28: Harmony
A 2009-04-27: inner order, bringing body, mind and spirit in harmony.
A 2008-12-27: The author, dear zou, for reasons of his own put +Spannungsfeld+ which tra...
A 2008-07-23: Also dann: Maßstäblichkeit > being in harmony with the scale of the surrou...
A 2008-06-27: sorry, godesia..what am I listening to? 2 beings in harmony?
A 2007-10-08: I settled on "...and are – despite or maybe because of that – in harmony w...
A 2007-10-08: harmony
A 2007-10-04: ... is in total (or perfect) harmony with the surrounding ....
A 2007-07-06: being one in harmony with the whole, as a fish within a school
A 2007-03-06: @Birgid: 10 out of 10 for harmony! :-)))
A 2007-02-01: harmony
A 2007-01-06: His paintings radiate the harmony that comprises the gamut of all possible...
A 2006-10-30: I believe in truth - it's just the b a s i s for our harmony
Q 2006-10-23: disturbers of our harmony
Q 2006-08-06: Listen to the harmony of music... :)
A 2006-02-20: ? bring harmony to their diet
A 2006-02-20: to style for harmony

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