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English-German translation for: harp
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Dictionary English German: harp

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NOUN   a harp | harps
VERB  to harp | harped | harped ... 
SYNO   harmonica | harp | mouth harp ... 
mus. to harp [play the harp]harfen [geh.] [selten] [Harfe spielen]
mus. harp
Harfe {f}
mus. harp [short for: mouth harp] [coll.] [harmonica]
Mundharmonika {f}
harp [Irish Catholic] [coll.] [pej.]
[abwertender Name für einen römisch-katholischen Iren]
2 Words: Others
mus. harp-like {adj}harfenähnlich
harp-shaped {adj}harfenförmig
2 Words: Verbs
to harp on [coll.]immer dieselbe Leier anbringen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to harp on [coll.]immer dieselbe Leier vorbringen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
2 Words: Nouns
mus. Aeolian harpÄolsharfe {f}
aeolian harpÄolsharfe {f} [Windharfe]
aeolian harpWindharfe {f}
mus. aeolian harp [also: æolian harp]Geisterharfe {f}
mus. aeolian harp [also: æolian harp]Wetterharfe {f}
mus. angular harpWinkelharfe {f}
mus. arched harpBogenharfe {f}
mus. bell harp [Br.][Sonderform des Psalteriums]
mus. blades harpHakenharfe {f}
mus. blues harpBlues Harp {f} [Mundharmonika]
mus. blues harpBlues-Harfe {f} [Mundharmonika]
mus. Bohemian harpböhmische Harfe {f}
mus. bray harpSchnarrharfe {f}
mus. celtic harpHakenharfe {f}
mus. Celtic harpkeltische Harfe {f}
FoodInd. tools cheese harpKäseharfe {f}
mus. chromatic harpchromatisch gestimmte Harfe {f}
mus. circular harp [David Murphy][kreisförmige, von mehreren Instrumentalisten gleichzeitig gespielte Harfe]
mus. concert harpKonzertharfe {f}
mus. cross harp [blues harmonica]Cross Harp {f} [Blues-Mundharmonika]
mus. double harpDoppelharfe {f}
mus. folk harpHakenharfe {f}
mus. folk harpVolksharfe {f}
mus. frame harpRahmenharfe {f}
mus. French harpMundharmonika {f}
mus. glass harp [Bruno Hoffmann]Glasharfe {f} [Bruno Hoffmann]
mus. harp (stop)Harfenzug {m} [Klavierinstrumente]
mus. harp concertoHarfenkonzert {n} [Komposition]
mus. harp guitar [also: harp-guitar]Gitarrenharfe {f}
mus. harp guitar [also: harp-guitar]Harfengitarre {f}
educ. mus. harp instructionHarfenunterricht {m}
educ. mus. harp lessons {pl}Harfenunterricht {m}
mus. harp literatureHarfenliteratur {f}
mus. harp luteHarfenlaute {f}
jobs mus. harp makerHarfenbauer {m}
jobs mus. harp maker [female]Harfenbauerin {f}
ind. mus. harp makingHarfenbau {m}
mus. harp musicHarfenmusik {f}
mus. harp partHarfenstimme {f}
jobs mus. harp playerHarfenist {m}
mus. harp playerHarfenspieler {m}
jobs mus. harp player [female]Harfenistin {f}
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A 2016-08-22: For playing the piece on a modern harp or a harpsichord,
A 2015-09-17: harp, violin
A 2013-01-22: To harp on
A 2008-10-16: also jaws harp
A 2008-10-16: Why don't people check dict.cc first??? http://www.dict.cc/?s=jew%27s+harp...
Q 2008-10-16: Jew's Harp

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