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English-German translation for: hash
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Dictionary English German: hash

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ADJ   hash | more hash | most hash
NOUN   a hash | hashes
VERB  to hash | hashed | hashed ... 
SYNO   haschisch | hash | hasheesh ... 
gastr. to hash
to hash
to hash
gastr. to hash [meat]
to hash
to hash [fig.] [coll.]
verpfuschen [ugs.]
to hash [fig.] [coll.]
verpatzen [ugs.]
comp. to hash sth. [transform according to a hash function]den Hashwert von etw.Dat. berechnen
gastr. hash
Hackfleisch {n}
hash <#> [esp. Br.]
Raute {f} <#>
print telecom. hash <#>
Rautenzeichen {n} <#>
drugs hash [sl.] [hashish]
Hasch {n} [ugs.] [Haschisch]
print telecom. hash <#> [esp. Br.]
Rautezeichen {n} <#>
gastr. hash
Haschee {n}
gastr. hash
Faschiertes {n} [österr.]
drugs hash [sl.] [hashish]
Haschisch {n} {m}
print telecom. hash <#>
Lattenzaun {m} <#> [ugs.] [Rautenzeichen]
electr. RadioTV hash [Am.]
Grieß {m} [Bildrauschen]
drugs hash [coll.] [hashish]
Shit {m} {n} [ugs.] [Haschisch]
gastr. hash [dish with minced or cubed meat]Haché {n} [fachspr.] [Haschee]
print telecom. hash <#>Doppelkreuz-Zeichen {n} <#>
comp. hashingHash-Code-Anwendung {f}
2 Words: Verbs
idiom to hash sth. outetw. genau besprechen
to hash sth. over [Am.] [coll.]etw. breittreten [ugs.]
drugs to smoke hash [sl.]kiffen [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
comp. hash algorithmHash-Algorithmus {m}
gastr. hash brownsKartoffelpuffer {m}
gastr. hash brownsRösti {pl} [schweiz. {sg.}]
comp. hash codeHash-Code {m}
drugs gastr. hash cookieHaschkeks {m}
comp. hash functionHash-Funktion {f}
hash key [esp. Br.]Rautetaste {f} [z. B. Telefon]
comp. hash map <HM>Hashtabelle {f} <HT>
hash markRautensymbol {n}
mil. hash mark [coll.] [U.S. military service stripe]Dienstzeitstreifen {m} [auch: Dienstzeit-Streifen]
print hash mark [the symbol #] [coll.]Nummernraute {f} [#-Zeichen]
hash oilHaschöl {n}
comp. hash searchHash-Suche {f}
drugs hash smoker [coll.]Hascher {m} [ugs.] [veraltend] [Haschischraucher]
comp. hash sumHash-Summe {f} [Prüfsumme]
comp. hash table <HT>Hashtabelle {f} <HT>
comp. hash table <HT>Streuwerttabelle {f}
Internet hash tag <#>Hashtag {n} {m} <#>
hash totalPrüfsumme {f}
comp. hash value [cryptography]Hashwert {m} [Kryptographie]
3 Words: Verbs
to hash and rehash sth. [coll.]etw.Akk. x-mal durchkauen [ugs.]
3 Words: Nouns
comp. distributed hash table <DHT>verteilte Hashtabelle {f} <VHT>
comp. distributed hash table <DHT>verteilte Streuwerttabelle {f}
gastr. hash browned potatoes {pl}Rösti {f}
gastr. Swiss hash brownsRösti {pl} [ugs. im Sinne von Röstitaler, Röstiecken]
gastr. Swiss hash browns {pl}Rösti {f} [ugs. {n}]
4 Words: Verbs
to make a hash of sth. [coll.] [idiom]etw.Akk. vermasseln [ugs.]
to make a hash of sth. [coll.] [idiom]etw.Akk. verpatzen [ugs.]
to make a hash of sth. [coll.] [idiom]etw.Akk. verpfuschen [ugs.]
5+ Words: Nouns
comp. hash-based message authentication code <HMAC>Hash-Nachrichtenauthentifizierungscode {m}
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Q 2018-12-13: to hash with *a salt* http://www.dict.cc/?s=to+hash
A 2016-02-16: hash browns
A 2016-02-16: hash browns
Q 2016-02-16: hash
A 2013-08-31: @ufriend - hash browns full breakfast ..... ;))
A 2012-04-05: In the UK it's only known as the hash sign/key, so the confusion doesn't a...
Q 2010-06-14: hash together
A 2009-11-03: http://cgi.ebay.at/OBERLEHRER-NOSTALGIESCHILD_W0QQitemZ390022839472QQcmdZV...
Q 2007-11-30: I was jaded about hot-knifing hash before I turned nineteen.
A 2006-11-16: Roesti arent roasted but fried....potato cakes maybe similar to hash browns
A 2006-09-01: hash brown patties
A 2006-09-01: I know the Americans use the term 'hash brown'
A 2003-12-02: settled his hash

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